9. Does He Count as a Himbo?

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"Wait, so that Lucas Lee dude is here in Toronto? Talk about a stroke of luck." Negascott questions, watching Ramona push her skates on. 

"Thats what I was thinking, but it's an opportunity we need to take, so we can't really question it right now." Ramona responds, grabbing her bag. "Also, you're gonna have to get in here. It'll just be easier to be discreet and sneak on set that way," Ramona unzips her bag and puts in on the ground.

"Wait do I just... hop in? huh." Negascott pushes his leg down into it, then the other, and eventually all of himself, just his head poking out. "Wow it's really spacious in here, is this some kind of American thing Canadians are too unadvanced to have?" He plopped down fully into the bag.

Ramona chuckled at that and began to skate down the road, Negascott decided to take stock of all the things he might need. Which was just the new facemask he bought and his little beanie just in case. 

"You can poke your head out now, we're on set." Ramona informed him, he did just that, Ramona skating down into a building, he hopped out clumsily and both of them spotted...

"Young Neil? What are you doing on the set of a Lucas Lee movie?" Ramona questioned; her eyebrow raised.

Neil grinned at them "Nougat! Ramona! So glad you guys are here! Take a seat, they're about to roll the camera. Not like a bowling ball, the camera doesn't roll at all! You learn a lot on a movie set." 

Negascott chuckled at this, of course Young Neil would take that a bit literally. Ramona sat down at he stood nearby. 

"But really, what are you doing here? I didn't know you were in the movie business." Negascott continued for Ramona.

"Oh, I'm the writer! Here, take a look." He handed Ramona the script, this was weird... he read it from over her shoulder.

"Wait... you wrote a script where Scott doesn't..." Ramona started, Negascott quickly interrupted though so she wouldn't mention that night, even if the chances were low that she would. "Where he beats Mathew Patel?"

The door of the Set snapped open at that moment and Envy Adams walked through dressed as Ramona, to Negascott's and Ramona's horror. Negascott quickly put his disguise on. 

"Uhm? Why is Envy Adams playing me in this movie?" Ramona asked in disbelief.

Negascott glared at Envy. "Does it matter? We're here for Lucas Lee, right? Do you know where he is Young Neil?" Negascott refocused, wanting to get as far away from Envy as he could.

"Oh yeah! I can take you guys!" Young Neil looked at them excitedly. "I'm really good on the cart, come on let's go!"



Negascott poked his head out of the bag, looking around at where they were from the backseat of the cart. "Are we almost there?" He squeaked in anticipation.

"What's got you so excited?" Ramona looked down at him with a slight smile.

"Have you seen that dude? He's got pecs for days! I need to see him up close. Oh yeah and also he's a suspect ha-ha." Negascott laughs dryly, his heart pounding in his chest.

"His trailer is right over there! Bye guys! Havveeee funnnn!" Young Neil called after them, a crash could be heard afterwards. 

Ramona and Negascott walked up to the trailer. "What's with you and Scott dating people who became famous later in life?" Negascott decided to ask jokingly.

"That's right, I forgot he dated Envy before..." Ramona thinks to herself.

Negascott scoffs as they walk closer to the trailer. "Ugh her, she wasn't always such a bitch, she used to be kind of nice. Well, Scott thought so at least, I kind of thought she was always a little bitchy."

Ramona chuckled. "I can imagine." Both of them walked up to the trailer and Ramona knocked on the door, a bit of shuffling came from the other side and the sound of Lucas Lee shushing someone.

"Er who is it?" 

"It's Ramona." She paused for a moment. "Flowers." She added on at the last second.

The sound of more erratic shuffling came through before the door opened and...

Oh god, he was dressed like Scott. 

"I guess we know who he's playing in the movie..." Negascott muttered to Ramona, who was having a similar reaction of shock and slight disgust.

Besides that, though... this man was hot, wasn't he? God he's even sexier in person... Wait what were we doing? He had tuned out most of what Ramona was asking Lucas Lee.

"Who's that little pipsqueak you're with? Is that you're new boyfriend?" Lucas questioned her, calling Negascott back to earth.

"Uh no nothing like that. He's more of a friend. He's helping me find the original Scott Pilgrim."

"Uh-uh, right, yes, that's what I am. So... wait did you call me a pipsqueak?" Negascott looked up at the large man in slight annoyance. He wasn't that small, was he? 

Lucas Lee shot them both an impatient smile, "Anyway, as not fun as it's been to catch up, I'm needed on set soon, I have to get ready. Gotta give the people what they want. What they need. Some of that Lucas Lee charm, I'm sure you get it." Before they could continue the conversation Lucas just closed the door on them.

"Well that got us nowhere." Negascott sighed, he looked over to the right and saw the actor playing Wallace.

He grinned at them, trying to give off a charismatic aura but it just came off awkward, then it got worse because he started speaking, "Hey girl what ar-"

 Negascott wasn't going to let him finish that thought. "Ramona we should go."

"Agreed." Ramona nodded, he hopped in her bag, and she skated away before this situation could get embarrassing.


Negascott was roused from just chilling in the bag as he heard the original Wallace's voice. "Hmm?"

As Negascott's face came into view Wallace looked down at him, clearly in a good mood. "Oh, I was wondering what you were getting up to, Ramona here tells me Scotts alive, you could have probably mentioned that?"

Negascott chuckles nervously, realizing that yes, that would have been a good idea, "Uh, it slipped my mind? What are you doing here anyway?

Wallace took a sip of coffee, before putting the cup down and talking "Thought I'd come see this production, see how bad the actor for me is." The scene of the movie was playing in the background as they talked, and they were abruptly interrupted by it.


I don't need to repeat this scene, it should be burned into your mind by now, just imagine Negascott there in the background.  Here's clip of a part of it.

Negascott just watched on and giggled a bit as Wallace not only stole the attention of the set but also the role of the actor who was playing him.

Well that certainly happened.

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