Flashback - Conrad

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I heard the final buzzer sound, and my team came and tackled me. I laughed and cheered along with them as we won the game. I had scored the final touchdown of the game.

I pulled my helmet off my head and looked into the crowd. My heart began to race again as I scanned everyone's excited faces. I stopped at the edge of the field and continued to look. I was looking for her.

Stevie... My eyes landed on her hazel eyes. There was a light in them I hadn't seen before. I know I was smiling like an idiot as soon as I saw her.

She had black stripes on her beautiful pale cheeks. A small smile danced at the edge of her lips. Stevie was looking at me how I'd always dreamt she would.

"Conrad!" I'm snapped out of my daydreaming when Kelly wrapped her hand around my arm and turned me towards her. Irritation flashed through me as she did.

Kelly pulled my body flush with hers and placed her head right next to mine. Her lips right next to my ear.

"You did great tonight," I smiled when she whispered that in my ear. Then I pulled away from her slightly to look at her.

I wished Stevie was standing in front of me. I wish she was the one to say that I did good tonight. I tried my absolute best, hoping that she was here to watch me.

"Kelly, I can't do this anymore..." I blurted and looked back up into the crowd, looking for the hazel eyed beauty that occupied my mind.

"What do you mean, Conrad..." Kelly whispered, looking at me hurt. I looked into her teary blue eyes and felt nothing. I never did. She was a distraction from Stevie. Now, I couldn't live with a distraction anymore.

"This... us.... I don't want to lead you on anymore, Kelly. It's not fair to you. "I sighed and looked away from her again, looking to where Stevie was once standing. The spot is now empty, and my stomach drops at the sight. Is she gone?

"Lead me on?" Kelly snapped and crossed her arms at me. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at the blonde, ruining my night.

"I never wanted you. Kelly, what we had was fun, but I want something real.." I step past her and begin jogging towards the stairs that lead to the student section.

Kelly wraps her hand around my arms as I try and escape, and I groan, looking down to her again.

"I can be real for you..." Kelly whispers teary-eyed again, and I sighed. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have led her on like this when I was so completely occupied by Stevie. It was always Stevie.

"It's not you, Kelly, it's me." I pulled my arm free of her hand and scaled the stairs leading to the student section. I scanned the crowd as people began patting my chest, congratulating me on the win. My eyes zeroed in on another blonde.

"Makayla!" I yelled over everyone. She spun and looked at me, shocked. I pushed through the crowd until I stood in front of her.

"Where did Stevie go?" I asked, and her eyes dropped. She looked towards the exit and sighed.

"She ran out of here like a bat out of hell as soon as the game ended." Makayla sighed and looked at me apologetically. I nodded and made my way through the crowd again.

Stevie ran? My chest tightened as I remembered Kelly and I on the field. Did Stevie feel something for me? Did I hurt her?

My cleats scraped the ground as I finally reached the parking lot. I scanned the rows of cars for her maroon Malibu. The tight feeling in my chest grew tighter as my search for her car came back empty-handed.

I sighed and ran a hand through my sweaty hair. Stevie must feel something for me, right? God, why was she so hard to read! If I had known, I wouldn't have even entertained anything with Kelly.

I walked back to the lockeroom angrily. I showered and changed before heading out. The walk to my truck was relaxing. The wind was chilly and relaxed my burning muscles.

Climbing into my truck felt different. I was hoping to convince Stevie to let me take her home. I looked at the jersey I had cleaned and placed in the seat next to me. I planned on giving it to her so that she could wear it whenever she watched my games from now on.

I'll have to talk to her tomorrow. Stevie must think Kelly and I were serious. Or something else entirely is wrong. I'll fix it whatever it is. I needed to see those hazel eyes stare into mine again.


The final hour of my day finally came, and I smiled as I walked to the class. Stevie had pretty much avoided me the entire day. At least here I'll be able to speak to her. If not, speak, I'll at least be able to see her again.

I sighed as I sat in my seat. I looked to her chair and grabbed it. I slowly pulled it closer to mine. I liked Stevie being closer to me. Not only did it help when I copied off of her. But I could feel the warmth radiating off of her.

The bell rang, and I looked at Stevies empty seat sad. Makayla looked at it as well, confused.

"Hey, is Stevie here?" I asked her. Makayla looked at her phone and then up to me.

"She was... I'm not sure where she is...." Makayla sighed and began to focus up towards the front of the class.

I stared at Stevies empty seat. My chest was tight as I realized I won't even get to see her today. Maybe I could swing by her locker later today and speak to her.


The bell rang, and I shot out of my seat. I grabbed the paper for homework and my pencil and walked out. I never brought a binder or took notes. Stevie was the only reason I was passing this class.

I walked quickly to Stevies locker and caught a glimpse of her wavy brown hair. The feeling in my chest tightened even more as I saw her smiling.

A dirty blonde guy was at the locker next to hers, gathering his things. Stevie jumped to try to knock her bag loose. The mystery guy laughed and helped her get it. Stevie laughed and thanked him.

My hands clenched at my sides. Who the fuck was he? Why had I never seen him next to her locker before? I narrowed my eyes at the two and felt helpless.

I walked closer to them, and when I was close enough, I shoulder checked the guy. He stumbled back, and Stevie gasped. I kept walking angrily away from them. My hands clenched as hurt filled my chest.

What was I thinking. Stevie wasn't ever going to like me. And why the fuck wasn't she in class.

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