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I sighed and locked the door to my parents' house on my way out. I know I didn't live here anymore, but I also didn't live far. Just a couple of towns over. I drove over to see my parents this morning.

When I was finally in my room again, all I could think about was Stevie. Her essence stained into everything here. It was hard to breathe here without her.

I needed some air and to get the hell out of here, honestly. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing Stevie looking like this. I had a stuble growing, and I looked exhausted.

I drive to the store, planning on getting a razor and some shaving cream so I can clean up. I made my way down the aisles I haven't been in for so long. It almost felt good to be back here. It's like I could feel her again.

I found the aisle I needed and began walking where I needed to be. I tried to squeeze between a woman and her cart as I thought about Stevie. I felt giddy at the thought of seeing her beautiful hazel eyes.

Honestly, I'd take seeing her in a relationship over not seeing her at all. Suddenly, I'm stumbling back a little bit. I realized I'd spaced out and caused the woman to bump into me.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to squeeze by..." I sighed as I bent down to get her things. I felt bad for causing a scene because I was thinking about a girl who broke my heart.

"Here..." I muttered and held the bottles out for her to take. Then, my entire world came crashing down around me. Hazel eyes stared back at me, shocked and terrified.


"Thanks..." Stevie snapped and snatched the bottles from my hands. She threw the bottles in the cart and took off away from me. I stood cemented in place as I recalled what I just saw.

Stevie, was it Stevie...

Her hair was a wavy mess like it always was. Its color was darker and dull. Her face... was so pale and sunken in. The black circles around her eyes didn't go unnoticed by me.

Her eyes... Her beautiful hazel eyes. They were bloodshot and haunted. I could see her emotions. Ones she didn't know she was showing finally. Ones I knew weren't about me.

"Wait!" I yelled and took off after her. Not this time, Stevie. You aren't going to run away from me.

"Stevie!" I yelled after her again. I picked up my pace to catch up to her. She tuned down an aisle abruptly, and I followed after her.

"Please stop..." My hand reached out and grabbed her arm. My fingers were able to wrap around its entirety. The feeling of her skin against mine left sparks all across my palm. Sadness filled heart at how thin Stevie had gotten.

"Let me go..." Stevie snapped at me again. I didn't care what she was saying right now. I scanned her bruised features. Her eyes grew colder and emptier as I tried to read her.

"Stevie, what happened..." I croaked as I scanned the girl I hadn't stopped thinking about in years. This wasn't her. The Stevie standing in front of me was shattered.

"Nothing, I'm fine..." Stevie snapped at me and tried to pull her arm out of my grip. I held her still and continued to stare at her skeletal body. Stevie...

I avoided this place, thinking Stevie was here living her best life with someone else. Someone who made her complete. What I'm seeing now has me reeling. Stevie wasn't happy at all. She looked like she wanted to die.

"Stevie..." I whispered and gripped her arm tighter. I didn't know how to make my thoughts form a sentence. I didn't know how to express my concern to her. I couldn't just say I was worried about her. Stevie wouldn't care.

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