The Fall of House Tarron

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Author's Note ~

We are late on publishing this as things in life have been stressful and the laptop I use to publish everything on, the charger snapped inside of it and now no longer works. The use of a computer is scarce at the moment! Dang.

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An alarm blared, the voice of the commander speaking through the coms, "Security team Foxtrot to west portico."

Soldiers rushed to grab weapons that laid neatly on a shelf, each soldier calling out as Costas ushered them to rush. "Move!"


"Go, go, go!"


"Grab your neurometer."

"Let's go!" The commotion ended as the guards moved into position, standing as awaiting soldiers as Kubritz moved forward, followed by numerous Omens.

"Fall in," She spoke with a determined look. The Omens behind her moved to stand in front of the shorter humans, acting as if they were the front of the line within the group. Kubritz stopped, turning to face where she just came, Morando leading another group of Omens.

Morando snapped his fingers, "Omens."

"You promised your Omen technology in exchange for my help," Kubritz said, watching him walk forward as the other Omens that followed behind her just moments ago, left the line, leaving the readied humans as she watched him leave.

"How embarrassing, get everything ready just to not be used," Mary started, staring at her fingers. Suddenly, she whipped her head up and let out a laugh, "HA!"

"Why is she working with him anyways but won't trust us?" Krel exclaimed, throwing his hands out.

"Because humans are brainless," Steve started. "Not me, though."

"This operation is too important for a human to command. I shall return them to you after the royal cores are mine." The minute Morando moved into the ship, his Omens following, Costas turned to face Kubritz, whispering his worry.

"Are you sure about this deal, Colonel?"

"I'm sure that if we play ball, Earth gets all the technology you could dream of. And if we don't, he'll destroy us. That's what I'm sure about." She walked away, leaving the scene as it changed to the Tarron Household, the house whirring as a shield was placed around it, Aja and Krel sitting on the couch with Luug in between as they looked worried.

"She fears him? We do not threaten to kill her." Aja started, raising an eyebrow. The way Kubritz was thinking was rather strange, but Aja believed she could change her perspective. Yet, why would she accept Morando so easily knowing he could be dangerous? Did that not go against her protocols?

They were all dressed in their non-Akiridion forms when Mother spoke, "Shield activated."

"Are you quite certain?" Varvatos asked.

"Positive," Aja defended, watching as Varvatos and Zadra paced, the only one wearing their Akiridion skin was Zadra. Varvatos sighed, grunting when he had no words, Zadra speaking up.

"Not to question your visual capabilities, my queen-in-waiting..."

Zadra sighed, why would she not believe Aja in the future? Maybe it was the fear and acceptance that Morando was closer to them, or it was the guilt. Zadra raced to Earth when Morando was on her tail, there was no way he wouldn't follow her when given the chance.

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