Part Two

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Beyonce Knowles POV:

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Beyonce Knowles POV:

"That bitch didn't message me back on instagram, her ass probably scared!"

Cardi yells in her phone. We have been sitting in the car for hours waiting on Megan, the bitch she on the phone with.

"Bey, you haven't even said anything this whole time, do you even care?!"

Cardi turns addressing me


"Of course bae, but do y'all really have to fight? That's so childish"

"Yes, that hoe tried!"

"Right she acted like she was all big and bad anyway!" Megan chimes in from the phone.

"What even happened and what she look like?" I ask

Cardi begins explaining the situation as she hands me her phone. I look at the girl's photos and tune Cardi out for the hundredth time today.

This bitch is bad, her ass fat and she gotta beautiful ass face. From what she post she looks like she handles her shit too. Before I get to mesmerized Cardi gains my attention.

"Bey are you even listening?"

"Y-yea" I stutter out.

Shit, I'm tripping she not even that fine, well that's at least what I'm trying to tell myself... but I hope Cardi ignores the stutter.

"Unh uh, I know that bitch ain't stutter for no ugly turd!" Megan big mouth ass says through the phone.

"Beyonce what ever your middle name is Knowles, I know you don't think this bitch is attractive!"

Cardi fully faces me, and I didn't want to lie so I tried to play it off.

"Come on Belcalis, you know I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world, and I only stuttered cause she look like she might be able to take you..."

I know I'm smooth as fuck placing one lie over another, I'm the most beautiful girl in the world, the fuck!?

"Awe thank you baby, but don't ever fucking try me I beat hoes for a living!"

"CLOCK IT!" her sidekick yells.

I just shrug my shoulders and turn away. Thankfully 5 minute's later Meg comes out so we can head to the mall.

 Thankfully 5 minute's later Meg comes out so we can head to the mall

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