Mikey's sister

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"My brother has become a wanted criminal, and I am...a detective"

When I was young, I lived with my family in a nice, quiet life. My mother was a housewife and my father did enough work for us to eat and drink, and he prepared everything we needed. I used to study and play. My mother was my friend and my sister.I don't have sisters just Two brothers, Shinichiro and Mikey. My older brother, Shinichiro , worked as a motorcycle mechanic, and my brother Mikey was A member of a gang...When I was five, my mother left and brought my step-sister, Emma...she was very beautiful and cool I loved her...I treated her as my sister, but after years we grew up without a father because of his passing. We lived with my grandfather, who was kind and affectionate. Emma was the beautiful, sociable sister, and I was the opposite. I was always writing songs and writing novels, or just sitting on the phone in my room. I did not talk to them only when necessary. My relationship with Mikey was very bad when we were young. We used to quarrel jokingly, but now we quarrel, even by hitting, for these reasons. They used to tell everyone that I was wrong, but they believed him and sided with me, so I have not spoken to them since that time.

Pov end


*I woke up to the sound of their loud laughter in the morning. When I tried to go to the bathroom, I heard them talking*

Shinichiro: Where is she? I haven't seen her for a while. She doesn't eat with us anymore

Mikey: you know her she is like always sitting on her phone doing nothing

Emma: Mikey stop that...of you she don't want stay with us

Mikey: not my problem

Emma:pff...just finish your breakfast

I always passed them and tried to stay away from them, but one day the days changed, I found Mikey in a fight with another gang, and he was going to hit one of them on the back. I don't know how, but I ran towards them and hit everyone who approached him, but when I saw that my childhood friend Baji was going to be stabbed, I ran to him and stabbed him in his place. I did not see There was pitch blackness and the sound of silence


"أخي أصبح مجرماً مطلوباً، وأنا... محقق"

عندما كنت صغيراً، كنت أعيش مع عائلتي حياة لطيفة وهادئة. كانت والدتي ربة منزل وكان والدي يقوم بما يكفي من العمل لنا لنأكل ونشرب، وكان يعد كل ما نحتاجه. كنت أدرس وألعب. كانت والدتي صديقتي وأختي. ليس لدي أخوات فقط شقيقان، شينشيرو وميكي. كان أخي الأكبر، شينشيرو، يعمل ميكانيكيًا للدراجات النارية، وكان أخي ميكي عضوًا في عصابة... عندما كنت في الخامسة من عمري، غادرت والدتي وأحضرت أختي غير الشقيقة، إيما... كانت جميلة جدًا ورائعة أحببتها... لقد عاملتها كأختي، لكن بعد سنوات نشأنا بدون أب بسبب وفاته. عشنا مع جدي الذي كان طيبًا وحنونًا. كانت إيما هي الأخت الجميلة والمؤنسة، وأنا كنت على العكس من ذلك. كنت دائمًا أكتب الأغاني وأكتب الروايات، أو أجلس فقط على الهاتف في غرفتي. ولم أتحدث معهم إلا عند الضرورة. علاقتي مع مايكي كانت سيئة للغاية عندما كنا صغاراً. كنا نتشاجر بالمزاح، أما الآن فنتشاجر ولو بالضرب، لهذه الأسباب. كانوا يقولون للجميع أنني مخطئ، لكنهم صدقوه وانحازوا إلي، فلم أتحدث معهم منذ ذلك الوقت.

لقد وصلت إلى نهاية الفصول المنشورة.

⏰ آخر تحديث: Jul 09, 2024 ⏰

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