Chapter 1.

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10/20/23 🍁

- School, Nurses office

Dear diary, I'm sitting in the nurses office right now because I couldn't do it anymore and told a security worker everything that went on in my life and she thought about sending me to a hospital. I think it'll be nice to spend some time away from my family, I really hope that this isn't the calm before the storm since I've basically been in the storm my whole life. I'm scared but I think this will be a good experience to build onto my character and grow as a person.


Update the school nurse put me in a empty room with a bed for me to sit on it. I'm currently writing with a pencil that I had in my bookbag, she asked me what I wanted from the lunch room and I replied with "Anything" so she left the room.. she returned back a few moments later with a plate of food, it looks alright but the cheese wasn't sticking to the tacos.

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