Chapter 1

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Hello! For you that just started reading this:

I am Kirana! Or.. Kira. I guess..
This is my first story ever in Wattpad. So, you might as well bear with my grammars and spellings.


This book is a story about Zara, a girl with strange powers. However, she is not the only one that has those powers. There are many more in the world, some people noticed them and called them "Nobles". The term "Nobles" is the term to address these creatures that look a lot like humans except have incredible powers.

Their looks? Human-like, mostly perfect in its own way, sparkling red eyes.

Some nobles didn't know if they are nobles. In fact there's so many of them, including Zara.

BUTT, her life changed when she met three handsome men. Gray, Alex, and the pinhead, Nathan.

And now, many and many things will happen to her life.


▪On-going (slow updates)



Morning sun finally rises up, lighting the town to life. With full power, Zara wakes up from her bed. As usual, she's getting ready for school.

"School again." Zara talks to herself while leaving a yawn in the end. She walks to the bathroom with all her might.


From a quick shower, Zara walks out from the bathroom, and get dressed.

"Zara, breakfast is ready!" Dana's voice calls out Zara from the dining room downstairs.

"Yes, mother. I'll be right there!" Zara walks away to the dining room and joins breakfast with her mother and sister. She looks right and left looking for her father.

"Um, mother. Where's father?" She asks her mother curiously where her father is.

"He already went to work, he got a very impatient client." Dana says with a dissapointed look.

"If father went to work too early he will buy us something as a payment! Hehe." Even with a dissapointed tone, Krysta still leaves a big smile on her words.

"Well, I think I'm going to go now. I want to arrive early on the second day of the second year. I'll bring a toast." Zara stands up, grabs her bag, took a toasted bread to eat on her way to her school.

"Okay, I'm also going to take Krysta to her school. Tell your friends I said 'Hello'!" Dana said with a smile.

"I will. See you after school!" Zara waves to her mother and sister while leaving her house.

"See you, sister!" Krysta waves back to Zara and leaves a big smile.


Zara arrives at her high school, Easton High. She's always being adored by all the boys(because she's a school celebrity,duh.), following her like her fans. She goes into her class.

"ZAAAARRAAAAA!!!" Rosie, a girl with the pigtails runs towards Zara and screams loudly like the earth is about to be splitted in to two pieces.

"Oh, calm down! Hey!" Covering her ears, Zara raises her voice lecturing Rosie.

"Okay." She did not feel guilty, and instead giving Zara an innocent look.

Feeling irritated, Zara walks away to her seat and sighs. And then Lina, a girl wearing a hearband walks near Rosie giving her an angry look.

"Rosie, why don't you shut up everytime Zara comes in? It's annoying."

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. But, why can't you stop lecturing me all the time?"

"I'd stop if you don't scream."



"You also start screaming!"

"I'd stop if you stop!"

Their war begins, when finally Zara feels irritated and stands up.
"You two, if you just stop fighting.. I'll appreciate it."

The two girls laugh, they don't feel embarassed somehow.
"Haha, Zara always stops us if we're about to start a war. Thanks for that."
Rosie smiles.

"Heh, thank you Zara. I don't want to know what will happen next if you don't stop us." Lina smiles.

"Maybe an earthquake? Ah, tsunami!"
Rosie always feels very innocent when she talks.


Time passes by, school finally ends. Zara arrives at her house, took a bath, and does her homework in her room.

"Homework...homework eveywhere.." Zara mumbles.

Her room door slowly opens, and Krysta comes in.


"Krysta? What is it?"

"Ah, I just want to ask you if you're busy or not.. If you're not, can you teach me math? I'm pretty bad at it."

"Well, I'm not really that busy.. Okay, I'll teach you."

"YAY!! O-okay, I'll go get my workbook!"

Krysta quickly runs outside and to her room. She grabs her workbook and runs into her sister's room.

"Here!" Krysta sits down.

Zara prepares her pencil and ruler in order to teach her 6 years old sister.

"Girls! Dinner's ready!" Dana's voice calls out the sisters from Zara's room.

"Alright. I'm going to go down with Krysta now." Zara and Krysta walk downstairs and got surprised by their father who has been working since the early morning at home.

"Zara! Krysta!"


"Father!! Yaaay!"

Krysta runs towards Warren and hugs him.

"Ahaha, as usual I brought something for you two." Warren pulls out two crystal necklaces from his bag. One is smaller and one is bigger.

"The smaller one is for Krysta, and the bigger one is for Zara." Warren gives one of the two necklaces to each sisters.

"Whoa, thank you father!" Zara looks at the necklace happily and quickly wears it.

"Whaaat?!! No, no, no! I want both!"
Krysta punches Warren feeling so sadly dissapointed.

"Haha, no can do!" Warren avoids Krysta's punches while laughing.

"Oh, come on you two.. the food's going to be cold! Eat while it's hot!"
Dana crosses her arms.

"Okay!" Zara smiles.

---------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER 1 END--------------------------------------------------------------

-I was inspired Son Jae-Ho's and Lee Kwang-Su's webtoon called "Noblesse". Thanks for making such a great series! ❤-

Thanks for reading!


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