Part 1

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WARNING(s): Rape

A door opened at the other end of the room, letting a man in a white lab jacket in. Light flooded the small dark space, but only for a second. The man stepped closer to the middle of the room, inspecting the 'tools' that were sitting on a tray. But the girl in the chair didn't see any of this. She couldn't see any of this.

"Hello, sweetcheeks! How are you on this fine morning? Sleep well?" The girl didn't say anything, but just sat in the chair with her head facing the floor. The man rushed up upon the girl,  grabbing her by her neck and tilting her face towards his. She couldn't see him, but he still made sure to look into her 'eyes.' "I asked you a question."

"Yes sir." The girl replied in a croaky voice. The man let go of her and took a few steps back.

"Good. Now we have to get right down to business. We have something that we want you to try." He clapped his hands and another man walked into the room. This one was carrying a small piece of cloth with a mask that looked like it belonged to a scuba diver laying on top. The man gingerly picked up this metal mask, and brought it over to the girl. He set it on her head, pulling it down over her eyes. "Now this next part might hurt a bit."

He clicked a small button on the side of the mask. The girl started screaming, pulling at the ropes that tied her to the wooden chair. She screamed, shouted, begged for mercy, but he kept the device on. After five minutes, but an eternity for the girl, the man finally pressed the button again and slipped the mask off of her head. He laid it back onto the cloth, then leaned down to the girls height.

"Now open your eyes." She did as he said, slowly opening them. He looked deep into them, looking for any hint that she could see him. "Can you see anything? Even blurry shapes?"

She shook her head, eyes still staying forward.

"Fine. We shall try again tomorrow. Guard. Watch her." The man said as he walked out of the room. The mask man nodded, closing the door behind the lab coat man. He just stood beside the door, watching the girl's every movement. There weren't many, but the man was still alert.


Time skip ( 8 hours )


After eight hours, the man with the lab coat once again entered the girl's room.

"You can go tell your friends about what's about to happen. But don't invite too many. They all have to fit into this room remember." The mask man nodded and walked out of the cell. "Well honey, you're going to have a fun night! But try not to get too exhausted. We still have tests tomorrow and you're spending tomorrow night with me."

He winked, but of course the girl couldn't see it. He walked out of the room just as about five men walked in, including the mask man. They were all laughing, and some looked anxious about something. They all stalked towards the girl, one of the men closing the door as he walked in.


Winter Soldier POV


I was walking down the hallway when I heard a strange sound. It sounded like a woman screaming. You can often hear people screaming and shouting here in HYDRA, but I've never heard a woman before. She was in obvious pain, and there were other noises coming from the room that I couldn't identify. I walk closer, and the sounds of men grunting met my ears. I ripped open the door to see five naked men on top of a tied down girl. She was on the dirty floor, compleatly stripped of all of her clothes, and bleeding from multiple places. I instantly tore one of the men off of her and repeatedly punched him in the face. Just then the other men in the room noticed me, their faces going pale. Once I knew that the man in my arms wasn't going to wake up, I started to make my way to the other men.

"Soldier! Um, you can't be in here!" One of them desperately said. The others yelled similar things, but instead of listening I grabbed another and worked him over too. The men ran into the hall, fleeing away from the scene. The poor girl was still on the floor, dirt sticking to her damp body and getting caught in her tangled hair. Her eyes were closed, but her body racked with silent sobs.

"Wh-what are you g-going to do t-to m-m-me?" She stuttered. I didn't know why, but I felt pity for this girl. I walked over to her, and reached down to her wrist. She tried to pull away, but the ropes stopped her from doing so. I pulled a knife from my belt and used it to cut the ropes and free the girl. She stopped struggling when she realized what I was doing. Once all of the ropes were off of her, She jumped up and ran to the other side of the room, leaning on the wall. Light shone onto her face, and I got a better look at her. She was horribly skinny, her thighs couldn't be any bigger than my forearm. She had black hair and unhealthy pale skin. Light grew eyes shone out from under her hair. She was covered in bruises and cuts. Blood was trailing down the inside of her legs, and knowing the reason almost made me cringe. But no matter how bad she looked at the moment,  it was obvious that she was once a very beautiful woman.

"Are you okay?" I asked. My voice came out raspy, each sound ripping at my throat. She paused before slowly shaking her head. I slowly started to walk towards her, not wanting to scare her off. "Can I help?"

I knew that I couldn't. And even if I could in some way, HYDRA wouldn't let me. But they would wipe me for sure after this anyway, so why not try.

"Do- do you have a-anything that I c-could c-clean my-myself with?" I tore off a small part of the shirt that I was wearing and passed it to her. She took it and wiped down her legs. It was no doubt hard for her however, since she was trying so hard not to let me see anything inappropriate.

"Don't worry. I won't look." I turned around and made sure to scuff my feet on the ground so she knew that I wasn't lying.

"Can you pass m-me that dr-dress?" I picked up an old medical gown from the floor, closed my eyes, and handed it to her.

"SOLDIER!" Someone called out from the hall. I knew that voice. That was Pierce's voice. I was supposed to be in a meeting with him right now. And those men defiantly told him about what I did. I knew that there was no point in hiding, so I quickly said goodbye to the girl and walked out into the hall. And I instantly regretted it.

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