Part 4

10 1 7


7 year time skip


It's been seven years since I have escaped from the HYDRA compound. I've been living with the Avengers in the Stark tower, and everything is going great. I've become friends with Natasha, went on some minor missions with the group, and Tony was even able to make me glasses that let me see! He took to design that HYDRA had made, mixing a few parts. They are clear glass with some blue on them. I wear them wherever I go.

The first thing that I did when I got to the Avenger compound was ask about my mother. I wanted to know how she was doing and when I could see her. That's when I found out that she had died in a car accident about a year after I left. I knew that also meant Bella was dead or sold to the neighbors. Either way, she wasn't with me anymore.

"Get up!" I hear Tony's voice yell from the loudspeaker. I groan and sit up. I reach over to my nightstand, grab my glasses and press the button on the side of them. The usual tingling feeling spreads through my head as my eye sight returns.

I checked the clock. It's only six am. I sigh, stand up, and grab the clothes that I want for the day out of my dresser. I put on the boot cut jeans matted with a grey sweater and left my room, heading for the elevator.

As soon as the doors opened to the communal room I heard yelling. I duck behind the doors, trying to listen to what's happening.

"Lilith! Don't worry. Tony's just in a bad mood," I hear Nat call out. I let out a breath and walked out of the elevator. Ever since HYDRA I have been terrified of yelling. I always think that something bad is happening.

"Thanks Nat." I tell her as I walk to the kitchen counter. "So, why is Tony so mad?"

I look over to where Tony is yelling at someone. I don't realize it's Bruce until I see his spaghetti-looking haircut.

"Woah. Tony, be nice." I place a hand on Tony's chest, signaling him to shut up before something bad happens.

"Why weren't you down here before? You took so long!" Tony starts saying to me. No matter how angry the Avengers get with me, they never yell. Just a small act that goes a long way.

"I was busy. Do you really think being this pretty doesn't take any work?" I strike a model pose,, making Nat laugh.

"Ya. Becasue I don't see any pretty." I smack Tony hard on the arm.

"You're so rude!"

"I know. That's my job as your guardian." When the Avengers took me back to the tower after rescuing me from HYDRA, they looked into finding my mom. Once we discovered that she was dead, the Avengers decided to keep me. But the only way that I was allowed to stay was if one of the Avengers became my legal guardian. They picked Tony since I was living in his house and he paid for all of my necessities. Even though I am twenty one now, Tony still pulls out the guardian card when I don't want to do something.

I roll my eyes, say good morning to Bruce and sit down beside Nat.

"Do you think Thor would mind if I eat one of his Pop tarts?" I ask Nat.

"Probably. But what's he going to do about it?" I reach over the table and grab the open box of Pop tarts. I pull one out and start eating it.

"You're not going to toast it?" Tony says with disgust. I give him the finger and continue eating.

"So why did I have to get up so early?" I ask Nat.

"Someone new is coming to the tower to live with us." I choke on my Pop tart and Nat has to slap my back.

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