Timothys Post!

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Posted - 45 Minutes Ago

BradfordPosted - 45 Minutes Ago

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Timothy.Bradford - I just want to clarify something that Lucy is the only Love of my life and no I'm not cheating on her we are Happily Married and Have 3 Kids together that we love so much.. So Stop spreading misinformation about me..
*View All 14.3k Comments*
AshleyMcGrady - Tim no need to lie
^Timothy.Bradford - What is there to lie Ashley what im saying is true!
Kay2lay - Some of you y'all are weird for trying to ruin a marriage
2.82k - and Half of you guys call yourself a fan
Useridk - Ashley's wefor that
Idjansk - Thank you for clarifying
6quinya - Ashley Crazy for trying to ruin a marriage especially with kids
Lucy.Bradford - We are Happily Married🙏🏼
Tamara.Collins - Ashley Gonna keep trying yet it won't work😂
Username - Ashley needs help fr
Darla.pearl - CHEATER!!!
Lilypad - You and Ashley would look really cute together!!

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