The Last Letter

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Daisy stumbled back to her apartment from the warehouse, her mind a whirlwind of disbelief and sorrow. The image of EnCee's lifeless body being dragged away replayed endlessly in her mind, a haunting reminder of the man she loved and the dark world he had been trapped in. Her legs felt heavy, each step a struggle against the weight of her grief.

As she entered her apartment, the familiar surroundings felt alien and empty. She sank to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. The pain of losing EnCee was like a physical wound, raw and agonizing. The world seemed to have lost its color, its meaning.

The next few days passed in a blur of sorrow and confusion. Daisy could barely eat or sleep, her thoughts consumed by the loss of EnCee. She replayed their last moments together over and over, clinging to the memory of his touch, his voice, his love.

Eventually, her despair turned to determination. She couldn't let Vito get away with this. She needed to know what had happened to EnCee, and she needed justice for him.

Summoning all her strength, Daisy decided to contact the authorities. She hoped they could find EnCee and bring Vito to justice. But as she made her calls and spoke to the police, she quickly realized how futile her efforts were.

"We're sorry, Miss," one officer said, his voice full of practiced sympathy. "But without concrete evidence or witnesses, there's not much we can do."

"Please," Daisy pleaded, her voice breaking. "He's in danger. You have to help him."

The officer sighed. "We'll do what we can, but you have to understand, these things take time."

Days turned into weeks, and Daisy's calls to the authorities yielded no results. It seemed as though EnCee had vanished into thin air, his existence wiped clean by Vito's ruthless hand. The frustration and helplessness weighed heavily on her.

Meeting with Vito:

One afternoon, Daisy received an unexpected summons to meet with Vito. Her heart raced as she approached the agreed-upon location, a small, dimly lit café. Vito sat in a corner booth, his cold eyes watching her every move as she approached.

"Daisy," he greeted her with a thin, menacing smile. "I hear you've been asking questions."

"I want to know what happened to EnCee," Daisy said, her voice trembling with both fear and determination.

Vito leaned back in his seat, his expression unreadable. "EnCee made his choices. He's gone. And I suggest you stop looking for him if you know what's good for you."

Daisy's heart sank, but she refused to back down. "You can't scare me. I'll find out the truth."

Vito's smile faded, replaced by a look of cold calculation. "Let me make this clear, Daisy. EnCee is dead. Accept it and move on, or you might find yourself in a similar situation."

Defeated and heartbroken, Daisy returned to her apartment. As she entered, she was startled to find a stranger waiting for her. He was a rugged man with a solemn expression, standing in her living room as if he belonged there.

"Who are you?" Daisy asked, her voice trembling.

"My name's Martin," he replied, his voice gentle. "I was a friend of EnCee's. He saved my life once, and I owe him a debt. He asked me to give you this if things went wrong."

He handed her a weathered envelope. Daisy took it, her hands shaking. "How did he save you?"

Martin's eyes softened as he began to explain. "A few years ago, I was in deep trouble with another gang. They wanted me dead. EnCee found out and risked his life to get me out. He didn't have to, but he did it anyway. He told me once that if anything ever happened to him, I should make sure you got this letter.

With trembling hands, Daisy took the envelope and sank onto her couch. Martin nodded, giving her space as he quietly left. Alone, Daisy opened the letter, her heart pounding.

EnCee's handwriting filled the page, steady yet full of emotion:

My Dearest Daisy,

If you're reading this, it means things have gone wrong, and I'm so sorry I couldn't keep my promise to you. I wish I could hold you one last time, feel your warmth and tell you everything will be alright. But life had other plans.

You've brought light into my life in ways I never thought possible. From the moment we met, you've been my anchor, my beacon in the darkest of nights. Your kindness, your laughter, the way you tuck your hair behind your ear-it all made me believe in a better world, one I wanted to share with you.

Do you remember when we talked about escaping to a place where no one could find us? A place where we could start fresh, just you and me. I've always dreamed of taking you to a quiet, serene place far from all this madness. A place where the cherry blossoms bloom, and the air is filled with peace.

I wanted us to build a life together, to find our own little corner of the world. If you ever find yourself lost, remember those dreams. They were my compass, and maybe they can be yours too.

I love you, Daisy. More than words can express. I hope that wherever you are, you find the happiness you deserve. And who knows, maybe one day we'll meet again, in a place where the sun sets gently over a calm sea.

Yours forever,

Tears streamed down Daisy's cheeks as she clutched the letter to her chest. The pain of losing EnCee was intertwined with the faint hope his words offered. She felt a surge of conflicting emotions-anger at the injustice, sorrow for the life they could have had together, and a desperate yearning to find EnCee, to know he was safe.

As she read the letter again, Daisy noticed subtle hints EnCee had woven into his words-references to their dream of Japan, clues that suggested he might still be alive. Her heart skipped a beat. Could it be possible?

Determined and filled with renewed hope, Daisy wiped away her tears. She would follow these clues, no matter the risks. She wouldn't give up on EnCee-not now, not ever.

With the letter clutched tightly in her hands, Daisy made a silent vow. She would find EnCee and bring him back from the shadows. Their journey was far from over.

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