Chapter 1 - Friends

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A/N: Thank you for all the votes and reads on the prologue! Now let's start our actual story :)


Once upon a time in the realm of good and evil magic, there were two best friends. Their names were Jeonghan and Jisoo. They lived in the middle of the forest in a small cottage with a large flower garden.

Their garden was their everything. They put their heart and soul into raising beautiful flowers, and they made a living out of selling flowers at the local market. They weren't rich, but it was okay. They made just enough money to manage their small house somehow. Yes, they sometimes wished they had more, but they also knew how money can get to people's head and they didn't want that either.

Now a bit of an introduction about our boys. Jeonghan was a few months older than Jisoo, but you wouldn't guess that based on his playful personality and childish jokes. He was a really beautiful boy, his beauty was admired by everyone he had come across. He had pale and spotless skin, shoulder-length black hair that he usually wore tied up or with hairpins. He either wore this miscievous grin or a resting bitch face, there was no in-between, however, it was all part of his charms that somehow everyone fell for.

 He either wore this miscievous grin or a resting bitch face, there was no in-between, however, it was all part of his charms that somehow everyone fell for

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Jisoo, on the other hand, despite being younger, tried being responsible for the both of their sake. I said he tried. However somehow he was always up for a stupid adventure whenever the older felt the need to give up his pride and dignity (note: Jeonghan never had those) and to step out of his non-existent comfort zone (again, Jeonghan never had one), dragging Jisoo along with him. But that's why they were best friends. They even looked slightly alike, making many people mistaking them for siblings, twins even. Jisoo had light brown hair and doe eyes, and somehow his lips always seemed to be curling into a smile.

 Jisoo had light brown hair and doe eyes, and somehow his lips always seemed to be curling into a smile

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As mentioned, the place where they lived was in the forest. There weren't any other houses other than theirs nearby, so at least they were free of noisy neighbors. Author wants a similar life too once she finally graduated college and moves away from home so she doesn't have to talk to anyone. They had a huge flower garden just for themselves, that was filled with colorful flowers everywhere you looked. The fresh, sweet scent of flowers lingered in the air, making people who followed the path near the house stop by, asking if they can pick a flower. The boys always let them. Next to the garden there was a small stream with crystal clear, cold water running in it. The sun usually shone through the leaves of the trees around, giving them a nice shadow for most of the day. Birds were always chirping, butterflies were flying around the flowers. Their garden was literally perfect.

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