Chapter 8 - Pick Up Lines

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Jeonghan and Jisoo finished performing their songs and as promised, Soonyoung treated them and their pets for some food. The two boys were almost drooling at the sight of the delicious food on the plates that were served to them.

Seokmin was meanwhile biting his nails anxiously from the doorway, eyeing the brunette boy who was eating the food on his plate. Even the way he ate looked so elegant despite his worn out clothes.

'Are you sure about this, hyung?' he asked Seungcheol. 'I mean, he is so pretty! I don't think I have a chance with him' he frowned. Seungcheol quirked an eyebrow.

'Since when do you back out, Seok? What happened, cat got your tongue?' he joked, gesturing towards the kitten by the brunette's leg that was busy eating some leftovers. The older lightly slapped Seokmin's arm. 'Get your head in the game. Watch me!' he said and he confidently made his way over to the table where the two boys were sitting, pulling over a chair and sitting down next to the black haired male.

Jeonghan looked up from his food feeling a presence next to him and the chopsticks stopped halfway towards his mouth when he realized that probably the hottest man he had ever seen just sat next to him. He had black hair, long eyelashes, pretty pink lips and in general really handsome features. He was well built and even had his guitar on his back. Jeonghan had never had an ideal type, but he was positive that now he has one and he is sitting right next to him.

However that only lasted for a second as suddenly the male spoke up.

'Hey there, beautiful' he said with a smirk and a lip bite. Jeonghan furrowed his eyebrows slightly. The man continued. 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?' he winked.

Jeonghan looked over at Jisoo who was trying his best not to laugh at the lame pick up line. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the man next to him. 'It didn't. I climbed up from hell, it's much more fun down there' he replied. The man seemed to be taken aback.

'He meant it' spoke up Jisoo. 'He is second in command after Satan' he added, the two of them continuing eating, not sparing another glance to the male.

'Now how am I supposed to finish my pick up line?' he whined like some kid. Seokmin, who was watching from a few steps away, cringed at the miserable attempts of his older friend. Surely, they have never met people who would've resisted their charms, but it really looks like he was right and the boys were out of their league.

'How about you don't? Leave me alone, creep' said Jeonghan, now slightly less interested in the man. Seokmin decided that this was their cue to leave. What the gentlemen ask, the gentlemen get. He put his own guitar aside, quickly walked up to the table and bowed several times.

'Sorry about him' he said and grabbed Seungcheol's arm, trying to pull him away to avoid more embarrassment. His eyes meanwhile met the brunette boy's doe eyes and they continued staring at each other for a second, as if time stopped around them.

Seungcheol used the momentary distraction and freed his arm from Seokmin's grip, leaning closer to the black haired pretty boy. 'Do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?' he grinned. It made Seokmin and Jisoo snap out of their staring and Seokmin couldn't help but cringe again. The way his nose scrunched made a small smile appear on Jisoo's face. The boy was hella cute.

'Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again-?' began Seungcheol. Seokmin had enough of the secondhand embarrassment and pulled the older up from his seat next to the boys.

'Hyung, you are so embarrassing!!' he whined. The two boys meanwhile finished their meals and stood up. The puppy and the kitten obediently jumped inside the baskets they were carrying and the boys picked their stuff up. As they passed by Seungcheol and Seokmin, the black haired boy stopped for a second to pat Seungcheol's shoulder.

'You are doing great, sweetie. Practice more' he said with a sly smirk and walked away. The brunette just chuckled quietly and rushed after his friend. Seungcheol grimaced.

'These always work! Why didn't my pick up lines work on him? Am I not handsome enough?!' he turned to Seokmin.

'I told you, hyung!! They are out of our league!' said the younger. 'Does it matter anyway? They are leaving, we are getting our job back, it's fine' he added, even though he felt like pouting at the thought of never seeing the brunette again. He turned back to the table where the boys were previously sitting, his eyes spotting something on the surface where the boy was sitting earlier. It was a kerchief. 'Hyung! He left his kerchief here!' he said excitedly. 'Let's go, we can catch up to them!' Seungcheol gave him a questioning look.

'I thought you were giving up' he smiled. Seokmin looked in the direction where the two boys left.

'Well... there's just something about him' he said, playing with the kerchief in his hands as he began walking outside, not forgetting to take his guitar. 'Let's get the horses!' Seungcheol smiled subconsciously, following his younger friend.


A few minutes after the four boys left the inn, suddenly loud noises were heard from outside and it seemed like chaos was going on on the street. Soonyoung looked up from whatever he was doing in the kitchen and huffed, taking off his apron and washing his hands.

'I swear if Seokmin and Seungcheol's ex-flings are making drama again they will be banned from here for real' he mumbled as he went to the customer area to see what's going on.

'A dragon!!' yelled someone just running inside from the street. People were running back and forth screaming, no one knowing what to do. They never had to deal with a real dragon before.

Just then a lady dressed in a long dark dress stepped inside, silencing everyone just by her presence immediately. They could already tell she is related to the chaos outside. Soonyoung cleared his throat.

'Welcome, Miss, how can I help you?' he asked. The lady looked at him, then her eyes scanned the inside of the inn, looking at all the customers who were holding their breaths.

'I'm looking for two boys. A black haired and a brunette. They might have been here earlier... they travelled a long journey and can sing really well, haven't you seen them?' she raised her eyebrows, already able to tell Soonyoung knows by the way the man's face paled slightly.

Soonyoung, even though he didn't know the lady, had a feeling that he shouldn't give out information about Jisoo's and Jeonghan's whereabouts.

'I-I haven't seen them' he said in a shaky voice. The lady clicked her tongue.

'Are you sure about it?' she asked in a low voice, then reached in the pocket of her dress and grabbed something. It was a flute. She raised it to her lips and began playing the instrument.

The people in the inn all froze in their motion as soon as the music reached their ears. Soonyoung tried to resist, but he wasn't strong enough against the dark magic by himself. His mind suddenly went blank, and his eyes began glowing green. He wasn't aware of his actions anymore as he just stared ahead blankly.

'I'm asking once again' said the lady slowly. 'Where are the two boys?'

Soonyoung kept staring into nothing until he answered in a robotic voice. 'They were here. They left not that long ago and went towards the forest.'

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