2. whiskey

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A lacy black top, a black leather mini skirt that hugged my curves perfectly and ankle high leather boots. Small smoky eyeliner to accentuate my natural eye shape and red lipstick. I was smoking hot and I knew it.

Eden and I got out of her car, confidence radiating off of us as we walked towards the entrance of Jack's house. She was wearing a tight, dark green dress that complimented her fair skin tone, eye makeup matching the color of the dress. When she picked me up, we showered each other in compliments like we usually do.

"Walking into a party without me? Shame on you." a familiar voice yelled from behind us.

We turned around to see Dylan Grant making his way towards us with a cigarette dangling from his lips. Light blue eyes scanned us from head to toe and he dragged a hand through his blonde wavy hair. He had a grin plastered on his face that said here comes trouble. His faint mustache was barely noticeable in the moonlight, due to its blonde color. Dylan was wearing an unbuttoned hawaiian shirt, revealing his pack of abs, the denim shorts showing off his thick thighs.

Dylan has been one of my best friends since highschool, since he beat my ass in debate class. Out there, in front of the whole class, he was the cockiest motherfucker I have ever seen, shooting me taunting looks as the teacher praised him. Back in our seats though, he gave me advice on how to make better arguments and offered to sit with me at lunch.

Eden and I immediately grew very fond of Dylan, because it was impossible not to. He was just so alive and fun to be around, I don't think anyone could hate him. Dylan was also one of the most popular kids in highschool, being the troublemaker he still is. Every week, you would hear that Dylan Grant stroke again and got himself detention. You wouldn't even have to hear it was him that did something, because you would just know.

Someone vandalized the school's statue? Dylan. A chemistry experiment blew up and stained the walls? Dylan. A love affair between two teachers got exposed? Yeah, Dylan was responsible.

To say Dylan had an affinity for rebellion was an understatement. That's what made him the life of every party too. He lived every day of his life as it if was his last, never caring about anyone's opinions. I admired that in him, even though sometimes I ask myself how he hasn't been expelled from school or sent to jail.

Dylan never went to college. Since he was little, he loved surfing more than he loved anything else. When he turned 18, he became a surfing instructor and is currently one of the best out there, people coming to Arcelia strictly for getting lessons from him. Even though he was a genius in school, always in the tops, he never wanted to choose an academic path. The one thing Dylan never learned though, was how to grow up.

"You two are looking fine as always." he said, taking my hand and Eden's in each of his and making us do a spin, earning giddy laughter from us.

"Watch out, I think you drooled a bit." Eden joked, reaching out to touch the corner of his mouth.

"For you two, always." Dylan said, pretending to fan himself.

"Where's Seb?" I questioned, looking around. It was weird seeing Dylan without Seb attached next to him.

"He's probably inside. Let's go, I wanna do some shots!" he said, already walking towards the house with large steps.

The moment we stepped through the door, the party's vibrant atmosphere hit us like a wave—the pulsating music, the mingling scents of cologne and spilled drinks, and the hum of excited chatter. Eden, Dylan and I walked in stride, the trio that everyone recognized. Heads turned and conversations paused as we made our entrance. Eyes followed us with a mixture of admiration and curiosity, the crowd parting instinctively to let us through. It was like the sea splitting before us, a clear path forming as people whispered our names, acknowledging our presence with nods and smiles. We moved with confidence, knowing we belonged, and the energy of the party seemed to rise in response to our arrival.

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