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Year of setting of this season: - 2010
NYC, 23RD JUNE, 2010

Mrs. Jones: - Sebastian! Sebastian! Wake up sleepyhead. It is time for your first day at college. It is already 8’o clock, wake up or else you will be late. (Mrs. Jones shaking him to wake him up)

(Sebastian seeing bad dreams)

Sebastian: - What college mom? It’s too early. Just 5 minutes more.

Mrs. Jones: - You better wake up or else a bucket of cold water.

(Mrs. Jones moves out of Sebastian’s room)

Sebastian (to himself): - F**k! Just a bunch of bullsh*t. Screw college. I just don’t like formal education. Can’t I be just homeschooled?

Mrs. Jones: - Hurry up dear!

Sebastian: - Coming Mom.
(Sebastian murmurs to himself, brushes his teeth, opens cupboard, takes out clothes and closes cupboard. The scene then shifts to Carl Johnson’s house on Maple Street, who is listening to music in his room and working out)
*Johnson’s father knocking on door*

Mr. Johnson: - Hey kiddo! Are you done with your maniac workout. Cut the horsesh*t, put on your damn clothes, and move your slow ass. You’ll be late for college. Remember you have your physical efficiency test.
(Carl switching off his music and screaming to the top of his voice)

Carl: - Hey old man, why don’t you put on your baggy clothes, grab yourself coffee and get the hell out of this house for work!
(Mr. Johnson goes away, now Carl begins murmuring to himself)

Carl (to himself): -  Where the hell in my sh*thole life will I go with grades? Aveiro last year at NYC University had a 3.9 GPA and where did that goddamn bastard end up being in life? Well, no one knows. My dad is a douchebag and mom supports him, so I guess I have no other option.
(Smooth transition used for change of spotlight to Fraser and Chris where they are discussing something on phone)

Fraser: - Chris did you see yesterday? That tomato-faced, spoiled brat of a rich dad, Samuel was crying like shit and pleading for help, requesting us to stop.

Chris: - And what’s the funnier part? We continued and eventually the d*ckhead peed himself all over the place.
(*both of them continues laughing hysterically*)

(Alternately, Fraser and Chris will be shown preparing for college)

*door knock heard from either side of phone*

Mrs. Watson: - Fraser you’re gonna be late for college. Hurry up.

Mrs. Holland: - Enough Chris. Just get going to college already.

Fraser: - What’s the essence of going to college, Chris?

Chris: - Heard that Freshers are joining today. Will enjoy bullying them.

Fraser: - Okay, then, meet you at college.
(Edit: - The picture freezes and turns like the page of a book to another page where 2 girls, Betty and Eleanore (best friends) are shown together, spending a girls’ time together. They take shower in turns, try on different make ups, clothes when suddenly a voice interrupts.)

Mrs. Carter: - Alright girls, time’s up. Get ready for college. Eleanore, I hope Mrs.Grace will pick both of you up after college.

Eleanore: -  Yes Mrs. Carter.

(Eleanore and Betty leave for college and chat on their way)

Eleanore: - Screw college, I just don’t like it. Studies is not meant for me and we get teased all the time.

Betty: - The other day, Michael teased me a lot, pinned me against the wall, and was about to rip open my clothes had I not hit him. I just hate college.

(All the six will be shown simultaneously (using split screen), going to college, clearly frustrated and pondering aimlessly).

*On the way to NYC College, Sebastian stops by Alexander’s (Mr. Grace’s) shop.

Sebastian: - Good morning sir.

Alexander: - Good morning Sebastian. Didn’t see you there. First day of college, nervous or excited?

Sebastian: - Neither I guess. I hate socialization. Used to get bullied a lot, at school. Ragging is prevalent in colleges, so I guess it will be tough for me.

Alexander: - Cool down kiddo. Don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be fine. You are starting a new chapter in your life. Try to enjoy it.

(*Sees Jones sad and distressed*)

I have a proposition. Since you do not like college, just like me, so you can bunk classes and stay in the shop. I won’t inform your mother.

Sebastian: - Seriously sir? You are the best in the world. Can I have a peppermint chewing gum, sir?

Alexander: - Come on, get rid of modest manners. We know each other for so long, you can call me Alexander.

(*Searches for peppermint and finds it*)
Here you go Lord Sebastian. You can have it for free. All yours.

Sebastian: - Thanks a lot, mister.
(He leaves Alexander’s shop)

Alexander: - Kid’s different from others. Hmmm, let’s see what life has in store for him.

(Scene transitions to college campus)
(Boys and girls seem in the college assembly hall).

Dean: - Silence, ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please?

*Crowd silences*
(Sebastian standing in the corner of the hall)

Dean: - “Forget about the past, be in the present, think about the future.” 2010 marks a new beginning in all of your lives. A new chapter. Start strongly. I humbly welcome all the freshers to NYC college campus. Everyone, treat all your seniors and juniors as your brothers and sisters.
(Fraser and Chris chuckling in the background, and mocking the Dean).

Fraser: - “Treat your seniors and juniors as your brothers and sisters blah blah blah “(Making faces) says who? The old bastard.

Chris: - You know what I would like to treat my sisters and brothers as? Shitheads and jerks (laughs boisterously)

Betty: - Oh my god Eleanore! Our worst fears have come true. Chris and Fraser, two of the greatest bullies. We have to be careful before they get close to us.

(Both the girls visibly tensed)

*Fraser and Chris stop laughing and they notice something around the corner*

Fraser: - Chris, do you see what I see? A new bully subject.

Chris: - Yeah, I haven’t lost my vision yet. The slut seems lost. Has to be a fresher.

*Sebastian lost in thoughts, a vision comes on screen. Sebastian is having episodes. The vision will be shown using clean edits. *

Chris: - Hi sir. I am Chris. I guess I can “help” you. You seem lost in your deep thoughts.

*Sebastian suddenly snaps out of his vision*

Sebastian: - Huh, I didn’t get you. Who are you once again?

Fraser (to Chris): - You’ve gotta be kidding me. This guy’s a goner.

Chris (clears his throat): - You know what newbie? We’d like to properly introduce ourselves. Hey, everyone, let’s carry this jerk to the bathroom.

*Chris, Fraser, Michael and other bullies carry Sebastian to the washroom*

Sebastian: - No... No… Leave me alone.

Michael: - We will, when the fun part is done.

Eleanore(aside to Betty): - He’s so gone.

*The scene shifts to the college washroom*

Chris: - Ready for a little chug, little shit?

Other bullies (in chorus): - Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

Fraser: - Dipsh*t buckle up.
Sebastian: - You son of a…
(*They dump Sebastian’s face in the pan sink*)

Fraser: - Sorry what did you say? Didn’t quite catch up earlier.

Sebastian (screaming): - You’re a son of a b*tch. You hear me now, you pathetic asshole, a freak, a maniac.

Michael: - Oops! Looks like someone needs an ego check.

(Out of anger, Fraser chugs Sebastian several times and the bully group walks away after that)
*Sebastian lies breathless in one corner of the bathroom*
*Carl finds him*

Johnson: - Hey man are you okay?
*Sebastian gasps for air and pants*
(Carl helps up Sebastian to his feet, washes his face and takes him to his classroom)

Sebastian: - Hey man, appreciate your help, thanks a lot.

Carl: - Don’t mention it. I used to face problems like this. The college doesn’t take any actions against them. Fraser’s dad contributes a humungous amt. of fund for this campus. Anyways, see you later fresher.

(Carl leaves the scene)
*Scene transitions to Sebastian’s house, where his mom is present, alone*

Mrs. Jones: - Things are becoming difficult with every passing day. How will I maintain the house? How will I pay Sebastian’s college fees?

*She looks at a picture of Mark, Sebastian’s father and thinks about the past days they used to have. They lived in joy, but suddenly one day, he was no more. She starts crying uncontrollably*

*The scene shifts to the BS (Bureaucrat of Spain) momentarily (face of Aveiro is shown), the atmosphere of BS headquarters in Madrid is eerie, many people will be shown working. Then*

Peter Aveiro: - García, tenemos algo sobre EL Dorado que tal vez quieras ver. (Garcia we have something about EL Dorado you might want to see)

*The evil smile of Garcia is shown, as he continues listening to Peter (in the background). The scene transitions to college campus*

Teacher: - Good morning class. I am Jimmy Ray, your physics teacher.

*Sebastian is sleeping during physics class and teacher continues teaching, suddenly notices him, throws a chalk. Sebastian wakes up*

Sebastian(stutters): - Where…where am I?

*The entire class starts laughing*

Teacher: - Silent class. Mr. Jones, I presume. Good morning. Who am I?

Sebastian: - Teacher?

Teacher: - Yeah, correct, now answer this question: - Explain the concept of wave-particle duality and how it is demonstrated in experiments like the double-slit experiment. Do you mind, Sebastian, answering this question?
Sebastian: - You really wanna do this?
Teacher: - Or what?
Student: - Here goes the weirdo.
Sebastian (walks down to the board): - Whatever you want.

*starts answering the question*

Wave-particle duality suggests that particles like electrons exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. The double-slit experiment exemplifies this: when electrons are fired through two slits individually, they create an interference pattern on the detection screen, indicating wave behaviour. However, when the path is observed, the interference pattern vanishes, indicating particle-like behaviour. This paradox reveals that particles can exhibit wave-like interference when unobserved but behave as discrete particles when observed, embodying the concept of wave-particle duality.
(heaves a sigh of relief)
*Teacher is in disbelief*

Sebastian: - Is your question answered? (Whole class is silent)
Guys, you can call me a nerd or a jerk or anything you like, but believe me, college sucks raised to the power of infinity. It’s just the place where bullies find homage. I just don’t like formal education and marks don’t matter to me.

Student: - Then, how the heck do you know so much?

Sebastian: - Just home-school yourself man.

*Sebastian walks back to his seat and sleeps again*

*Bell rings for lunch break and spotlight is on Sebastian. Everyone looks at him*

Sebastian (thinks to himself): - Am I the centre of gravity? Have I committed any crime?

*Carl comes and sits beside him*

Carl: - Good job and nicely done too. Mr. Ray had serious ego problems. I hope this insult reshapes him.

Sebastian: - I now understand the importance of reporters in this world. Do you like college?

Carl: - Do I look like a college lover? It’s bullsh*t.

Sebastian: - Looks like we’re alike. Anyways, meet you afterwards.

*Sebastian leaves the lunch table and trips due to Chris’ leg. *

Chris: - Hey, lard-ass, next time you argue with us, you are dead, you get it?

Sebastian: - Yeah, I get it motherfuc*er.

Fraser: - What did you say, again?
Sebastian: - Motherf*cker

*The two bullies hold him by the collar and is about to punch him, when Sebastian hits Fraser in the groin and punches Chris in the face. Eleanore and Betty were present on spot. *

Eleanore: - Betty, I have to do something.
Betty: - Don’t be a fool. You won’t stand a chance.

Fraser (to Sebastian): - Is that how you want it jerk?

*Eleanore interferes in between and is about to be hit by Fraser, when Sebastian saves her and Carl comes and gives both Fraser and Chris the beating of their lives. They flee from the spot. *

Eleanore: - Thanks a lot, mister.

Sebastian: - I should thank you, madam. You came to save me. Are you hurt?

Eleanore: - Not at all, I am fine.

Sebastian: - Okay, then, goodbye. (To Carl) Thanks buddy, you saved my day. (Sebastian pats Carl on the shoulder)

* Betty is taken aback and so are others on spot. Sebastian goes away from there. Eleanore keeps staring at him. *

Betty: - He’s a fresher? Seems cool, doesn’t he?
Eleanore (to herself): - And hot as well.

*The scene abruptly transitions to the BS headquarters, somewhere in Madrid. Garcia listens to Aveiro and a few other trusted men about El Dorado. Then, he provides his verdict. *

Garcia: - Mine kammerater, foreløbig holder vi os varme på sporet af de amerikanske bastards og CIA angående El Dorado. Vi venter tålmodigt og finder det rigtige tidspunkt at slå til. Peter, hold os hele tiden orienteret om deres sager, har du det? (My fellow comrades, for the time being, we stay put and hot on the trail of the American bastards and the CIA regarding El Dorado. We wait patiently and find the right time to strike. Peter, keep us informed all the time about their proceedings, got it?)

Peter: - Ja min Herre. Amerikanerne ved ikke engang, hvornår vi slår til. (Yes, my lord. The Americans won't even know when we will strike.)
*End of chapter 1*

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