Chapter 13

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▪️O C T A V I A▪️

I sat and listened intently with a huge grin, while Emily gave me every single detail of her night with Ejikeme. Both our faces flushed as Emily's hand gesticulations left nothing to my already overactive imagination.

The experience itself was not romantic as one would envision losing their virginity. After all, it was two horny students living in the moment, which led to sex in a college dorm room. However, Emily was overjoyed, as evident by the large smile on her face. She would not have changed anything. The spontaneity of it all only added to her excitement. Ejikeme had known exactly what to do, making Emily's first time memorable.

"Sigh!" I groaned; a bit aroused. "Oh my God, Em, I'm so jealous! I'm so happy for you both. Did it hurt a lot?"

Shaking her head, Emily replied, "Not really. I guess it's true what they say about being active and playing sports. It burned a bit, but after a few moments, it was just amazing."

My grin widened as I reacted, "Finally, Em-Eji is in full effect!"

Soon after, it was my turn to give a summary of the events of my night. My fingers fidgeted with the hem of my shirt, and I bit my lip, hesitating for a moment before I began to recount what had happened.

Emily's eyes seemed to bulge while she listened, "I can't believe you almost punched Professor MacAllister in the face. I could imagine his look of surprise and probably horror!"

"It was a bit funny; I won't lie," I said then handed her my phone so she could scroll through my chat messages.

The skin of her cheeks reddened as she read the exchange of messages. "Wow! Did the two of you really stay up chatting until sunrise? This is so romantic! Alright, I partially forgive you for not telling me about the Brian incident." Emily said before hugging me tightly.

I chuckled, returning her embrace.

"At least you weren't alone after that horrible event. I felt so bad as I ran over here, thinking about you being all by yourself.!

"I'm fine, Em, I really am. I guess news travels fast around campus though, like damn!"

The thought that so many people knew what had happened to me made me a bit uneasy. Any illusions I may have had about Professor MacAllister and me being a thing slowly faded and I let out a deep sigh.

"So basically, even if I wanted to do anything with Graham, we couldn't since there are eyes everywhere," I mumbled.

"Not necessarily," Emily said. "I think it's more so because campus police were there. I didn't hear anything about you being escorted home by Professor MacAllister. Basically, once the police left, the students disappeared. When you two do become an item, just be sneaky about it, that's all."

"You mean if," I corrected. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"I mean when!" Emily countered. "I am telling you, Vi, from those chat messages that I read, I can safely say I was right, that man definitely has a thing for you."

With another sigh, I lay back on my bed. "And I him, it would seem," I admitted, closing my eyes. "Why couldn't I just like some regular guy on campus, make life easy, but nooooo... I always have to take the difficult route."

Emily laughed as she snuggled next to me. "I'm curious to see how your trip with him tomorrow will go. Will you two be nervous and awkward, or will you simply continue where you both left off? So many possibilities!"

"Well, I'd like to think that we're two level-headed adults—ouch!" I winced as she hit me on the head with a pillow. "Always so violent!" I grumbled.

"Don't make me hit you again, Vi. Can you for once stop theorizing every emotion that you have?" Emily begged. "Just go with the flow for once in your life, please!"

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