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The sixth time our eyes locked. God, he's driving me crazy. I try to calm myself down. I know I'm behaving like a total slut right now. But it's the first time I've felt something like this for someone. I can't help it when he's so damn attractive. Why does he have this effect on me?

"What's wrong, babe? Why are you blushing?" Mia's voice interrupts my thoughts.

Dammit! Am I blushing? Is it that obvious? I can feel my face heating up.

"No- what...why would I blush?" I stammer, trying to find some excuse.

"Don't you dare lie, I can see your face changing to red like a tomato," Mia says with a smirk.

"No, it's-it's just hot in here. That's why," I say, fanning myself.

But mia continues to tease me. "Oh, I see who's making you hot."

I look at her and then quickly realize what she meant.

"What did you say?" I stammer, feeling my heart race.

"It's visible bro," Mia laughs. "I've been watching you ogling Adrian for the past hour."

"Adrian..." I whisper to myself, his name echoing in my head.

"Woah," Mia exclaims in mock surprise. "You only heard his name!"

"You know him?" I ask, completely ignoring her previous words.

Mia looks at me in disbelief. "What the hell, girl? You're literally ignoring everything I'm saying."

I plead with her, desperate for information. "Please tell me, do you know him?"

She rolls her eyes at me, annoyed by my persistence.

"Yeah, the whole campus knows him," Mia replies, a sly smile on her face. "It's not surprising you're having this reaction because he is insanely hot and attractive. But I am surprised because it's the first time I've seen you ogling someone like that."

We both glance at him, and I can't help but continue staring at him. He's sitting with his friends, including Ava and her boyfriend. Damn, I can't seem to tear my eyes away from him.

"I doubt if you're really a pure virgin," Mia repeats, amused by my reaction.

But I'm so focused on him that I don't even hear her words. My eyes are locked on his lips, the thought of kissing him making me feel all wet and excited.

"You want to kiss him?" Mia asks, and before I can think, I find myself nodding mindlessly.

"Fuck, girl!" Mia's eyes widen in shock, and it hits me that I just accidentally admitted to my desire.

"No, no, I didn-" I stutter, trying to backtrack on my accidental confession. But Mia is not listening. She grabs my arm and starts pulling me.

"What? Why are you dragging me?" I try to wiggle out of her grasp, but her grip is firm. Soon, I realize we're heading straight towards their table. Wait, what the Fuck?!

"Mia! Stop, let go of me!" I struggle in her grip, but she doesn't listen.

"Shut up and behave, don't embarrass yourself." Mia snaps at me, refusing to release her hold on me.

As we approach their table, I feel a mix of anger and nervousness. Mia cheerful voice sounds through the air.

"Hey guys!" she greets them, and I grumble in frustration.

The guys greet Mia as she approaches, and Ava chimes in with a friendly welcome. I'm still struggling against Mia's grip, feeling trapped and uneasy. Suddenly, she announces that we have a "new member" joining us. My heart sinks as a silence falls over the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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