Lampert would sit on the very edge of a bed, looking at his Discord messages, specifically the DMS from Infected, or.. who he used to be, Kasper.
Lampy: "Sighhhh.. Why is he not online by now? He's usually online at this time, still kind of concerned why he's mostly on at 4:00 am.." Lampert would hesitate, but then call Infected on his Discord.
Lampy: "C'mon.. Pick up.." Lampert waited for a few minutes, before cutting the phone and going to the kitchen.
Lampy: "Wish he was here.. he loves going to the kitchens in the ROKEA and eating all the pizza slices.." Lampert reached for a pizza slice, then realized what he was saying.
Lampy: "W-What am I saying!? D-Do I like Kas- Infected? No!" Lampert held his breath for a bit before exhaling.
Lampy: "Uggh.. Can't keep lying to myself.. I dont just like Kasper.. I love him... a lot, I miss all the things we used to do together.. And he started to stop coming online as well!" Lampert threw the pizza slice that he was holding back in its box. "That pizza could have germs on it.."
Lampert went on the GC and started messaging everyone.
Lampy: "Did any of you see Infected?"
------2 online------
Lampy: "Oh.. only me and.. wait.. Infected's online!"
---In DM with Infected---
Lampy: "@1nf3ct3d @1nf3ct3d @1nf3ct3d @1nf3ct3d @1nf3ct3d @1nf3ct3d"
Infected: "aY L4mpy!!!11!1 H3y!"
Lampy: "Oh my god, Kaspy! I thought you were dead!"
Infected: ". . .
Lampy: "Oh! Uhhh.. I meant Infected!"
Infected: "0h, W41t, why w3r3 u DM1NG m3 sO muCh..?"
Lampy: "Uh.. I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout?"
Infected: "uHh.. H4ng0uT? I.. 1 c4nt rn, UnpLe4s4nt 1s r3fus1ng t0 dO 4NYTH1NG!
L1ke.. I h4V3 t0 D0 3VeRY-EV3rYTH1NG! Gr0c3r13S.. Cl34n1ng.. H3 w0nt g1V3 m3 AnY fr33 t1Me.."
Lampy: "Oh.. so you cant?"
Infected: ( ☁️ TYPING . . .☁️ )
Lampy: "What's taking so long for him to respond..?"
Lampy: "I miss when he came to the ROKEA, and we used to tease the employees together.. nice times.." Lampert's head snapped back to his phone when he got the message from Infected, Lampert frowned.
Infected: "Lampert you arent a sigma or alpha like me! I will always be the rizzler every beta needed, Skibidi.. my.. GYATT!!"
Lampy: "Oh you wanna do it like that Unpleasant? Stealin' Kas- Infected's phone? Well..
then uhh.." How do you talk in brainrot again..? "I uh.. I mew more than you..?"
Infected: "0hmYg0sH, S3E!? H3 juSt s1ts ar0und 4nD b0tHErs M3!"
Lampy: "Y'know what? Forget that trash gradient. Let him starve for the day and lets go out!"
Infected: "Th4nKs L4mPy.."
Lampy: "No problem! Now.. I'll pick you up, we can like.. go anywhere If you want.. Like.. where do you wanna go..?"
Infected: "1m b4D 4t m4k1ng d3sic1Ons 1n t3xt, 1'll t3ll y0u tH3rE!"
Lampy: "Alright Infected!"
Lampert put his phone on charge, got his keys and hand sanitizer, and started walking to Infected's apartment..
Gahahah.. pure love am I right?
Also I make Unpleasant talk in brainrot terms. And Lampert lives in the ROKEA. Thats a few things I needed to mention.
Sicklights.. (Lampfected) Lampert x Infected
FanficNO SMUT Does contain a few sweary wordies