Chapter 15: Lynn

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Glow shakes my shoulder to wake me up. I rub the sleep from my eyes and
watch adoringly as King Flicker wakes up across from me. His hair is tousled and he covers a loud yawn with his left hand and stretches his right arm. I get the sudden urge to grab the king by the collar of his shirt and kiss him, like I did in my dream, but I push the thought away.

I give King Flicker his sleeping bag back with a smile; He smiles back.
“Today is the day.” King Flicker says as we walk. “Yes! We will finally get
our magic back!” Glow exclaims. King Flicker seems happier than ever. I wonder if it's because of our conversation last night. I feel my face warm as I remember
how King Flicker kissed me in my dream. No Lynn, he doesn't like you like that. Get over him before he rejects you. He will need a queen one day. That is not something you can be. Besides, he's basically an insect… but only in your
world… No, just get over him.
After a few minutes of walking we make it out of the forest. We find
ourselves in a town but something is off. People, specifically moths, are flying
around! Yes. Flying. During the magic crisis. “This is weird.” I say. “Glow, try
flying.” Her wings unfold and flap up and down. Glow is in the air for one second
before falling on her butt and King Flicker helps her up. “There is something fishy
about this.” I say looking around at the flying people. “Excuse me.” King Flicker
says to a flying moth and the person stops. “How is everyone flying? There is a magic crisis going on!” The person tilts their head. “What magic crisis?
Everything’s fine!”
The three of us look at each other as the person flies away. Yep something
is definitely going on. “At least no one is dying here, '' Glow says. We walk through the town watching the people fly by. “How is it that they can fly but you guys can’t?” I ask King Flicker. “We’ll have to ask King Imperio.” he answers.
“Where is the castle anyway?” I ask and King Flicker tilts my chin up and I see a
tall mountain. “Up there!?” Both of them nod. “Ugh! Let's just hurry up and get the magic back. I’m going to get flat feet like my uncle after this journey. I don’t know him because he likes to travel a lot. He has flat feet. He’d be better off flying like you guys. Can you guys imagine me flying?” King Flicker and Glow laugh. Then King Flicker says, “We will miss your sense of humor, Ms.- I mean… Lynn.” He called me Lynn! I wish he would say it again. “And I’ll miss yours.”

“What are you two talking about?”
“You didn’t tell her?” King Flicker asks, looking at me. “She was sleeping
like a rock. Didn’t want to wake her up.”

“Seriously! What are you talkingabout?”

“Lynn is going back to Earth after we fix the magic.”

“Okay first, did you just say Lynn!?” Glow has a huge smile on her face.
“Yes, I did.” King Flicker and I share and I share a long glance. “I knew
that you two would be friends eventually! And soon you’ll be more.” She swoons.

The king and I roll our eyes. “Anyway, are you really leaving, Lynn?”
“Yes, and I can’t come back. But you can always come to see me on Earth.”
“Awesome! But why can’t you come back?”

“If Lynn returns she’ll risk our world being exposed. But I know she will
make sure that won’t happen.” I blush from his confidence in me. Why does this guy have to make getting over him so difficult? I think to myself. We made it out of the town but we still had to walk two miles till we reach the mountain. I get a text from Lukas once we only have one more mile to walk:
I just heard our song on the radio, and I blasted it! LOL. Miss you!
Hugs. :)
I text him back:
How dare you listen to our song without me! LOL. I miss you too! Tell Iris and
your Dad I said hi! Hugs. :)

I was going to send a heart emoji but I deleted that and replaced it with a
smiley face. “Is that Lukas texting you?” King Flicker asks and I nod. Finally we
make it to the base of the mountain. There seems to be two paths leading to the top. “Well let's start climbing.” King Flicker says and we start to walk up the long path. “How long do you think this will take?” I ask him. “An hour, I think,” he answered.
“Race you to the top!” Glow says running ahead of us. “Hey!” I laugh as I run
after her. King Flicker catches up to me

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