Chapter 1

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"Come in," his voice sounded hollow. I slowly opened the door and stepped into the general's office. "You called," I said, my voice devoid of emotion.

"Yes, I need you to understand your duties over the next three years," my father stated, his face unreadable. I stood there silently, knowing it wasn't my turn to speak yet. After an agonizing pause, my father finally looked directly at me.

I hated when he looked at me like this, like I was insignificant. "You are to speak only when necessary to the marked ones. Your mark and scars are not to be mentioned under any circumstances. You must adhere to orders without question. And for God's sake, do not end up unbonded."

Of course, that was all he cared to say. It was clear he cared little about my well-being; his only concern was that I bond. "Of course, General," I replied, turning towards the door. Just before I left, he added with a chilling tone, "Oh, and remember to keep Violet safe. If anything happens to her, it's on you." I nodded sharply and left the room, the weight of his expectations heavy on my shoulders.


Once in line for the parapet, there were only two people ahead of me, both chatting happily about their excitement to be there. "You know, statistically, one of you won't make it to graduation. I wouldn't be so cheery," I remarked as I pushed past them to the front, quickly signing my name before ascending the stairs.

At the top, I spotted him: Xaden Riorson. It didn't take long to recognize him from those dreaded parties. God, I hated those. I approached the person recording names. "Ryia Melgren," I said.

He let out a small gasp as he looked up at me. I turned towards the parapet, gazing at the clouds threatening rain any minute. Turning back to Xaden, I quipped, "Can I go now or are you just going to stand there looking dumbfounded?" He wore a look of disbelief.

"Melgren, you might want to hurry before you get soaked," he advised. I chuckled lightly. "Wow, such words of wisdom from a wing leader," I retorted, walking on towards the parapet.

I had always excelled at this; the general made sure I trained every day, rain or shine, for this moment. All because he didn't want me to tarnish the family name like my mother.

It took about ten minutes to cross. I managed to avoid most of the rain, only getting wet in the last fifteen feet or so.

"Name," the redhead girl said to me. "Ryia Melgren," I replied in a bored tone.

"Okay then, you're the first to make it across. You have a long wait ahead, enjoy," she remarked. I didn't respond, just walked away.

I couldn't go far; I had to wait for Violet to cross. I hadn't seen her in over a month because I was locked away training until this morning. Finding a small corner, I waited where I could still see all the new cadets finishing the parapet.

The burning sensation returned, searing across my back like hot coals. Shit. The mark was a constant reminder of that day—the pain, the fear, the anger. I quickly pulled my rucksack forward and found my cream. Opening the lid, I lifted the back of my shirt and applied the cream to the marks and scars covering my back. The pain was sharp at first, but gradually subsided into a dull ache as the cream soothed my skin. I took slow, deep breaths, trying to calm myself as the memories threatened to overwhelm me.

Standing up straight again, I slung my rucksack over my shoulder and continued watching for Violet.


Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I hear commotion from the parapet. "You think you'll be safe in there," a harsh voice says. I look up and see Violet sprinting the last ten feet of the parapet. I jump up and rush over. Violet pulls out her dagger from her ribs and presses it against the man's groin. Quickly, I follow suit, drawing my own dagger and placing it at his throat.

"I think I will be safe. For now," Violet says calmly.

The man beneath my knife attempts to squirm away, but I press harder, drawing a trickle of blood.

"Violet, care to fill me in on who this charming person is?" I ask sharply.

"Jack. He's the guy who just tried to kill me."

"Is that true, Jack? Did you just try to kill my friend?" I ask, staring into his unyielding gaze.

"Name," demands the rider beside me, addressing Violet.

"Violet Sorrengail. And before you ask, yes, I'm that Sorrengail."

"I already know who you are. So, who are you, Jack, to have angered both generals' daughters?" the redhead rider demands.

"Jack Barlowe," he replies tersely.

"Well jack." The male rider to my right says. "You may want to play nice right now. They have the right to kill you, you have not crossed the parapet and become a cadet yet."

Jack growls

"Fine I will play nice, For now." Violet releases her hold on him, but I don't.

"You know this is the point where you let me go." he says I turn around taking my knife off is throat while making sure to cut a slit down his cheek.

"YOU BITCH." Jack yells at me while holding his bleeding face. I all but laugh taking violet's hand and walking away. 

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