Chapter 6

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"Xaden?" I said urgently, turning to him as Ryia disappeared into the night. He glanced around, confirming she was no longer in sight.

"Bodhi, something's not right with her," Xaden replied, his voice low and serious.

"Did you see her back?" I asked, my voice tense with concern. Xaden shook his head.

"No, but you did," he pointed out, his eyes narrowing in thought. "What did you see?"

I hesitated, recalling the sight. "There were scars, old ones," I began slowly. "And a mark that looked similar to mine, but darker. It was hard to see clearly in the darkness."

Xaden's expression turned serious. "Those scars... they looked serious?"

"Deep and old," I confirmed quietly, my mind still processing what I had seen. "She's been through something significant."

"She didn't say anything?" Xaden asked, his gaze flickering to where Ryia had vanished.

"Not a word," I replied, feeling a pang of worry. "She ran off fast."

"We need to find her, get answers," Xaden said firmly. "Especially since she's the general's daughter. We can't ignore this."

"Do you think she'll cooperate?" I wondered aloud, unsure of Ryia's reaction to our probing.

"We have to make her," Xaden said, determination in his voice. "We can use what we saw tonight to our advantage."

"We could start by subtly mentioning our marks," I suggested tentatively. "See if she opens up about hers."

"That might work," Xaden nodded thoughtfully. "Let's track her, find the right moment to confront her."

As we headed towards the meeting place, my mind was racing with questions about Ryia's scars and the mysterious mark on her back. Whatever she was hiding, it seemed deeply connected to her past, a past she wasn't willing to share easily.



I open the door to the girls' dorm and head to my bed, just as Violet arrives back from the healer quadrant.

"Where were you, Ryia?" Violet asks as she sits down on her bed. I pull out my cream and show her. She sighs and gives me a nod.

"Did you have an episode?" she asks, recognizing the signs from when we were kids.

I nod my head. "That's not all," I pause, trying to put tonight into words. "When it was happening, Bodhi and Xaden were there." I look down as I speak.

"What did they say?" she asks me, her concern evident.

"Nothing. They saw the cream, but that's it," I reply. Violet nods, understanding that I'm done talking about this.

She knows I have scars, but not how I got them or from whom. She was told it was my mother who did this to me, trying to get me to side with her.

Before I fall asleep, I hear Violet sneaking out. I jump out of my bed and follow close behind. Once we are outside by the riverbanks, I walk up to her.

"So, Vi, what are we doing?" I say with a laugh. She jumps with a little scream. "Don't do that, Ryia," she frowns at me.

"So why are you out here?" I ask her.

"No, the question is why did you follow me?" she retorts.

"Well, I heard you get out of bed and thought you could use company," I say playfully.

"Fine, I have an idea to help me win challenges," she tells me about her plan to poison her opponents. I don't think it's the best approach, but it might keep her safe.

"Do you need help getting up, Vi?" I ask as she looks up at the tree and takes off her sling.

"No, I think I'm good. The branches are easy to climb," she replies. Once Violet is high enough, I jump on the tree and help her find the purple berries. Once we have gathered more than enough, we start to descend the tree when I hear voices.

Two figures in black cloaks come into view, and I recognize one quickly—Imogen, the squad mate I fought not too long ago. Then I see Xaden Riorson.

Oh shit

There is only about 10 feet between me and Violet. If Xaden sees her, he's sure to pose a threat. They continue to converse as more people arrive, all marked individuals.

"We've already lost Sutherland and Luperco," Xaden says, his tone somber amidst the marked meeting. "Like it or not, we're going to have to stick together until graduation," Imogen states firmly.

About 10 more minutes pass of their discussion and mutual assistance in class. Once they disperse, I move closer to Violet. "Stay here. I'll check if it's clear," I whisper to her before jumping down.

A shadow lunges behind me, but I swiftly dodge and turn to face Xaden. "You know, first year, you're starting to be a real pain," he grumbles, shadows swirling around him like a sinister aura. "Twice in one night. Makes it seem like you enjoy my company," I retort, breaking the tense silence. "As if I asked for your company tonight," I add pointedly

Then I feel strong hands grab me from behind and press me against a solid body. "Need someone else to fight your battles, Xaden?" I manage to say defiantly, struggling against their hold. It's Bodhi and Garrick holding me back, their grips tightening around me.

"How lucky am I that you need two people to restrain me?" I retort, feeling their grasp become firmer.

"Deal with her." Is all Xaden says as he walks back to the tree, waiting for Violet. "You better not hurt or by the love of God I will kill all of you." I yell as I am being pulled away.

"Let. Me. Go." I yell at both of them. Suddenly, I am forcefully thrown to the ground, hitting the back of my head on a rock. "Shit," I mutter as I sit up, grimacing and clutching my head in pain.

"We will let you go when you tell us what you know and what is on your back," Bodhi insists, his voice firm and unwavering. I remain seated on the ground, not bothering to pull myself up.

I glare at Bodhi and Garrick, my arms crossed tightly against my chest. "You think you can force me to talk?" I challenge, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "You can hold me here all night, but I won't give you anything."

"Know about what I ask," Garrick presses, his intense gaze locked on mine, strands of dark hair stirring in the wind.

"What's it worth to you?" I retort, refusing to let my fear show.

"I don't think you're in a position to negotiate," Bodhi interjects firmly.

"Well, I think I am. We both know I could take Bodhi in a fight without breaking a sweat, and I'm sure Garrick wouldn't fare any better," I reply, my tone laced with sarcasm.

They exchange glances before focusing back on me. Bodhi strides forward and forcefully pins me to the ground, his weight making escape impossible. I struggle beneath him, but he holds fast. Suddenly, I'm flipped onto my stomach, my shirt pushed up.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO," I scream, panic rising. "This is a rebellion relic," Garrick declares, his voice low and ominous. Panic grips me — they can't know. If my father discovers this, I'm as good as dead.

"Why do you have this?" Bodhi demands, his tone surprisingly calm despite the situation. I continue to squirm, desperate to break free. "LET. ME. GO." I plead, unable to face the consequences of their discovery.

"Talk to us. Why do you have a rebellion relic and scars all over your back?" Bodhi presses, his voice unwavering. Suddenly, the world starts to spin, and I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness.

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