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Laying in the soft bed feeling the warm rays of light hitting his skin while he felt a hand brushing his cheek back and forth.

Minho began to open his eyes slowly adjusting to the lights. The first thing he Mets eyes with was jisung, who was admiring his face while caressing Minho's soft pale skin.

"Good morning." He spoke seeing as the other had woken up.

Minho hummed "good morning" he said, his lips were beginning to form a little smile the more he looked at the others face.

"What's so funny? Hm?" Jisung teasingly spoke.

"Nothing~" Minho said as he shuffled over closer to jisung wrapping his arms around his waist and hiding his face into the others chest.

"Min are you still sleepy?" Jisung said as he placed a soft kiss on Minho's head.

"Not really, just a little bit" the black haired boy replied meeting eyes with the other.

"You can sleep more, I'll prepare something for you to eat, you can eat it when you get up."

"And you? Why not sleep more with me?"

"I need to go run a few errands, to prepare for going to the hospital. You can come along if you want." Minho hummed thinking if he should but he just shrugged.

"I'll stay, I'm too tired to go out. I'll sleep more. Tell me when your leaving" he said before letting go of the other and giving him a peck On the lips.

Jisung smiled and nodded his head, he got up drawing the curtains shut then began to get himself ready.

Minho was already in position to go back into a deep slumber.

After the events of the previous night The two had finally rekindled their past relationship.

The promise jisung had made about playing the role of the baby's dad seemed to slowly settle into Minho's mind.

At first he just thought jisung said that out of pity for his situation, sometimes he would feel somewhat of a burden.

But lately he's been feeling more comfortable and now with their current relationship he wished things could only get better from here on out.

                    ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾

After a while, Minho had woken up, ate his breakfast and was now packing his necessities for when he needs to go.

He packed this cute set of clothes, he was giggling at the thought of how cute she'd look while wearing this.

Along side that he packed a baby sleeping bag, a few bibs, a baby bottle just in case, a pacifier and a few other mits and bennies.

He was ready, the doctor told him he was due any day of this week there wasn't a specific date that's why he wanted to get himself ready for any surprise birth.

Meanwhile, jisung was doing shopping for diapers and things he thought they might need.

He was enjoying every bit of this, he felt so excited.

Jisung was already feeling happy ever since they made up and finally restored their relationship, it made him really happy to have his lover back after all this time.

Even though they've been by each other's side through this whole journey they still had a distancing gap which was now filled by their confessions of love for one another.

He knew that deep down the reason they had worked things out, was all because of the baby. If it weren't for her things would've probably turned out much differently.

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