'broke up'

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"welcome to seoul! have a safe trip!"

The AI voice spoke, Minho rubbed his swollen eyes, and took his suite case before leaving along with everyone else.
He stood there taking in a deep breath of his home land, he missed it so much and he was so glad to be back.

Many people were walking around the place making the subway crowded.
His eyes wandered left and right looking for the one person he couldn't wait to see.
But he wasn't there...Minho moved a bit getting closer to the exit.

He suddenly stopped after hearing someone shout his name.
"Minho!" The voice echoed through the subway, He instantly turned around and that's when he spotted the messy black haired boy waving at him, he was panting. 
"Jisung.." Minho spoke in a low voice, his eyes began to tear up. He quickly dragged his suit case and went to Jisung, dropping it and landing in his arms.

Jisung was surprised but he also hugged him very tightly. This was one of the many things they had to make up for after this long time.
"Wow...i can't believe your actually here" Jisung said, His hands were wrapped around Minho's waist and Minho had his arms over jisung's shoulders. 

"i missed you so much" Minho said backing up a little and looking at Jisung.
"you didn't change one bit.." Jisung laughed, "and so did you" Minho smiled.

The two had exchanged a long warm hug, They couldn't help but feel as if that one empty place in their hearts was filled almost instantly.
It was a reunion that they both needed.


"So, what brings you back?" Jisung asks as the two of them sat drinking their coffee.
Minho was reminded of the reason he had came back. His smile faded and he felt his stomach turn, He needed to tell Jisung, he was his closest friend and the only person he could really trust.

Jisung felt the Mood change once he asked that question. He really wanted to know the reason behind all those tears.
"we broke up.." minho said while playing with his straw. he felt some tears forming in his eyes just by thinking about the guy. 

"oh.." Jisung was a bit stunned, he sat next to minho hugged him trying to comfort him, but it only made him break down in tears. 
"he cheated on me. He was cheating the entire time i was just so naive.."
He cried, he hid his face in Jisung's chest and cried for a while.

It made Jisung's heart ache, he actually already knew it would come to this. That guys was filthy, their friends had warned him in the past but he told them they were rumors.
He really knew that guy was no good, and now watching Minho like this made him resent him so much.

It took some comforting to calm Minho down but he was now sitting there silently just sniffling and pouting, "look at you~ your face is all red," Jisung teased playfully poking the youngers cheeks.
"just forget him, i have a really good idea, come on"the black haired boy said quickly grabbing Minho's hands and running out of the cafe.

Minho just followed, He had cried so much that his eyes became swollen and his nose was all red, he was rudolph himself.

After a bit of a drive, they stopped near Han river. 
"i come here all the time when i'm upset, i'll share it with you." Jisung smiled getting out of the car. Minho followed and walked after Jisung.
He stood near the fence, His eyes fixcated on the moving water.

The sun was already saying it's goodbyes, so they were left with the glowing orange light.
"now yell." Jisung said, Minho looked at him a bit confused. He gave him a soft smile "just yell and curse him out, yell as if he's standing right infront of you" He explained, 
"here i'll go first" he smiled and turned back to look at the huge river. suddenly he yelled so loudly it startled Minho and made him jump

"FUCK YOU YONG-HOON! HOW COULD YOU HURT MY MIN!" he spoke hearing a chuckle from beside him, "my turn" Minho smiled, 
he placed his hands on the railing and took in a deep breath.
"I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL YOU FUCKING PERVERT! you disgust me.." He sighed, just then he heard a little clap, "he really is a pervert huh?" Jisung said sarcastically. 

"you really didn't change one bit.." Minho smiled getting a smile in return.

chapter 2 end

A/n: it's a little late but, here is the chapter!
I was in class all morning and was fighting the urge to pull out my phone and post.

See u next chapter ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃

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