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The look on his face filled with discomfort.

He could also notice now how his pheromones didn't seem stable at all yet.

Seeing this Jisung felt so worried just a few hours ago Minho was as happy as ever talking excitedly about what he did.

"Mmm.." Minho softly mumbled in his sleep.

Jisung wiped away the small tear that was accumulating on the edge of his eye.

"Minho. What's wrong?"
As he spoke those words minho shuffled in his position and slowly opened his puffy eyes.

The moment he saw Jisung Infront of him his eyes widened instantly and he got up.

"Jisung!" He spoke throwing himself onto the other and wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug.

"Your finally home, I was so scared...where were you..." He spoke, the shiver in his voice was noticable and Jisung felt even more worried now hearing his words.

"It's okay, whatever it is it can't hurt you. I'm here, don't worry.." he placed his arms around Minho trying to comfort him by slowly rubbing his back.

"I was so scared, I didn't know what to do...I wished you were there with me." He spoke with fear and panic yet he was glad that someone was finally here beside him.

"Can you tell me what happened? I'm here so don't be scared,calm down"

After a bit of calming and a glass of water, the two had been sitting on the sofa one comforting and the other being comforted.

"Are you ready to tell me, if not that's okay just know I'm here with you, okay?" Jisung spoke gently as he moved his hand up and down on minho's back as he laid on his chest.

"I saw yong-hoon at the mall today..." When he heard those words he already understood everything his hand paused for a moment then continued.

"He came up to me and I was so scared about him finding out about the baby, I couldn't even move, my legs just wouldn't move." He spoke the panic in his voice only grew more and more.

Jisung hugged him tightly to calm him down.
"He..he kept talking to me and getting close so when I pushed him away he acted somewhat... aggressive"

"Did he hurt you?! If he did I'd break those hands of his." Jisung spoke angrily clenching his fist.

Minho shook his head," no, he didn't because someone came just in time. He grabbed my face a little hard but then his friend, I assume, called for him so he left."

"Jisung I felt so scared...please don't leave me again.."

Jisung tightened his hug and placed a kiss on minho's forehead.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I won't leave you again, I'll stay right by your side."

They stayed like that for a bit, before they both got up and were headed to bed.

Minho still felt unsettled so he asked Jisung if it would be alright for them to sleep in the same room because he was feeling stressed.

Jisung didn't refuse, he wanted to do anything to help him forget about what happened.

He lead him into his room and helped him get under the covers.

"I'll be right back min one moment." Jisung spoke.

Minho reached over grabbing his hand before he walked away.

"Where..?" He spoke in a soft sleepy tone, his eyes were glossy.

"I'll just grab an extra blanket and pillow to sleep on."
Minho shook his head and said "don't sleep on the ground"

He gently tugged onto his arm.
Jisung sighed and walked to the over side of the king sized bed.

PAPA! {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now