suit up

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After I stopped texting bluey I go take a shower(cause I couldn't this morning) brush my teeth and finally go to sleep

(My dream)
I wake up in my bed at my actual house and I did my morning routine after that I ate some breakfast and did chores

After that I looked for mum and dad
"Mum?" I yell "dad?"
"Where are they?"

I look out the window and the car was gone.

"They must have went to get groceries."

I check life 360 and seen they weren't on a road

"Somthings not right."

I go to the truck (they took the car) put my keys in and drove to where it said they were.

I was getting closer when I started to smell smoke.

I gotto the sight and I started to cry

"N-no, no, why, how"

I call the police and tell them there was a crash, and where It is.

The police get here and ask me questions like " do you know what happend"  or "are you related to them" ( wich I say yes) and "do you have relatives"
And I didn't  have any relatives so I just lie and tell the yes
I had to lie I don't want to be fostered.

I start calling my freinds and ask if I can spend the night

When I started calling rusty a road train drove In the ditch and hit me
(End of dream)

I wake up drenched in sweat and breathing heavily as I sat up.

I start crying "what if it wasn't a dream" I say in my head

I grab my phone but it kept sticking to me.

"What the heck" I say quietly

"Get off phone"

I eventually get my phone off my hand and go take a shower so I don't mess up my shower schedule.

I get out of the and get dressed


My phone goes off and it's a text from a random nuber

"Huh, that's weird"

                Uknown caller
Unknown caller Hi mackenzie this is Peter, you know how yesterday you got bitten from that spider?

Mackenzie Hang on before I awnser you first how do you know my phone nuber and second how did you know I got bitten?

Unknown caller My aunt may knows all the spider people and the spider wasn't supposed to bite you.

Mckenzie What do you mean the spider wasn't supposed to bite me

Unknown caller It was supposed to bite me so I would be spider-man and could save new york from absolute mayhem

Mackenzie Can the 'venom' or whatever it is be token out

Unknown caller It adds more blood cells so no, and if you up to the job of being spider-man then you need web shooters and a suit

Mackenzie Sure I'm up to it but how do I exactly be Spider-Man?

Unknown caller Well like I said keep the city from mayhem and my aunt may has a bunch of spider-man suits and web shooters.

Mackenzie Ok I need the address

After he gave me the address I asked my parents if I could go to a freinds house

"Jeez you've got friends here already?" dad asked
"Yep" I replied

I made my way to the address and met Peter's aunt may
"HI mrs.may, I'm mackenzie" I itroduce myself
"Hey mackenzie" she says "or should I call you mr.spider-man" she chuckled
"Hehehe" I fake laugh

She brought me in the den where there was a bunch of spider-man suits, web shooters and a portal. "WAIT A PORTAL!" I had let a thought slip
May giggled "Yeah there's a multi verse" Peter explains.

I get a purple and black suit with hints of white and some black web shooters with normal webs but it never runs out.

After I got the suit Peter started to explain stuff about the multi verse like "there's one of everyone in every universe" and there's a spider-man in every universe".

Then Peter asked where I live
"I live in brisbane" I tell him
"Where's that at?" he ask
"In Queensland" I tell him
"And where's that?" He ask again
"In Australia" I respond

After I talk for a bit I head home

(Authors note)
Word count 712
Sorry for how short the chapters are if yall want longer chapters it will take longer to make
And that took almost 2 hours
Hope yall enjoyed.

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