"Chapter twenty five: Misunderstandings and heartache

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As their fame continued to soar, Stell and Ken decided to take a break from the frenzy and enjoy a quiet date night at a cozy restaurant. They laughed and shared stories, savoring the rare moment of peace. After ordering their meals, Stell excused himself to go to the bathroom.

On his way, Stell accidentally bumped into Eric, his ex. Eric smiled warmly at him, a look of genuine apology in his eyes. "Stell, it's been a while. How have you been?"

Surprised but not unkind, Stell responded, "I'm doing well, Eric. Life has been... busy."

"I've noticed," Eric said, nodding. "You seem really happy, Stell. I’m glad for you."

Stell smiled back, feeling a sense of closure he hadn't expected. "Thanks, Eric. I hope you’re doing well too."

Eric took a deep breath, looking a bit vulnerable. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything that happened between us. I know I hurt you, and I regret it. Can I... can I give you a hug? Just as a way to say goodbye properly?"

Stell hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Sure, Eric."

As they embraced, Stell felt a weight lift from his shoulders. It was a moment of forgiveness and finality. What Stell didn't notice was Ken standing at a distance, watching them. Ken's heart sank, misinterpreting the situation. Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, he turned and ran out of the restaurant.

Stell pulled away from Eric, a sense of peace settling over him, but his relief was short-lived. When he returned to their table, Ken was gone. Panicked, Stell rushed out, searching for Ken. He called his name, but Ken was nowhere to be found.

Feeling devastated, Stell went home, his heart heavy with worry and sadness. He hoped to see Ken at training the next day, but when he arrived, Ken was absent. Days turned into a week, and Ken still didn't show up. Stell tried going to Ken's condo, but it was always locked, and his calls went unanswered.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ken returned to training. Stell's heart leaped when he saw him, but his joy was short-lived. Ken looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes. He avoided making eye contact with Stell, and during the entire practice, he acted as if Stell didn't exist.

When the day ended, Stell couldn't take it anymore. He walked up to Ken and gently held his hand. "Ken, what's going on? Why are you avoiding me?"

Ken pulled his hand away, his expression guarded. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Stell's heart ached at the coldness in Ken's voice. "Please, Ken. Just talk to me."

Emotions rushed through Ken, and tears welled up in his eyes. "Why, Stell? Why were you hugging Eric?"

Stell was taken aback, realizing the source of Ken's pain. "Ken, it's not what you think..."

But Ken shook his head, tears falling freely now. "I saw you, Stell. I saw you with him. How could you?"

Stell reached out, but Ken stepped back. The distance between them felt insurmountable. Stell's mind raced, trying to find the words to explain, but Ken's anguish was palpable.

"Ken, I..."

"Don't," Ken interrupted, his voice breaking. "I can't do this right now."

With that, Ken turned and walked away, leaving Stell standing there, heartbroken and confused. Stell watched him go, tears streaming down his own face, feeling the weight of the misunderstanding that had driven a wedge between them.

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