C8: A Strange, Special Prime

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After the battles, everyone excitedly chatted about their victories and defeats, praising the other teams and declaring their intentions to do even better. Optimus mostly kept to himself and put his armour away before leaving quickly.

Tokoyami came back from the nurse only seven minutes after Optimus brought him there, so he was okay. Optimus had already moved on from their mock battles and was worrying about the more difficult part of the day.

Hero course work was always done in the beginning of the day, which left the rest of the day dedicated to the four main subjects and their offshoots. However, between hero work and school work, they had lunch.

Optimus didn't want to miss lunch, so he needed to go as quickly as possible. He found Mr. Aizawa sleeping in a yellow bag in the corner of the room again and leaned over him.


"If you're here to give up on your extra assignments, you're expelled," Mr. Aizawa told him without even opening his eyes. "Get lost."

Optimus frowned. "No, I accidentally finished and I was wondering if I could get started on the next textbook early."

Aizawa opened his eyea and squinted at Optimus. "What do you mean you accidentally finished?"

"I don't mean to overstep, because I set an alarm with the intention of finishing the book before school on Friday, but my alarm didn't go off and I ended up finishing it last night," Optimus explained. "So I'm ready for your quiz and the next textbook, if that's okay with you."

"Right now?"

Optimus nodded.

Aizawa groaned deeply and very slowly got out of the bag. "I don't even have the quiz made yet, Prime. I only gave you the textbook yesterday."

Optimus backed up. "Oh, okay. Well, I can wait."

Aizawa nodded. "If you really think you have it memorized already, consider the next few days your break, but don't show up on Friday unless you're actually ready for the quiz."

"I understand."

Aizawa stared. "So what are you still doing standing there?"

Optimus shuffled on his pedes. "I have a question."

"Spit it out."

"Theological objectivity proposes that the direct meaning is the only correct meaning and theological objectivity states that the spoken word of the divine can be interpreted in different ways," Optimus started. "But the second theological theory doesn't make any sense to me. Isn't that just twisting existing religious content pointlessly, since you could just ask your deities to clarify what they meant and override the subjective point?"

Aizawa didn't respond for a few seconds.

"What are you talking about?"

Optimus huffed and put the textbook down before flipping to the page that explained theological theories. "This. I don't understand how this is a valid and accepted arguement."

Aizawa put his hand on the book. "You can't just ask God questions. It doesn't work like that."

"Well, why not?" Optimus questioned. Before Primus died, anyone could travel to the Well of Allsparks and speak with him.

"Look, Prime," Aizawa closed the book. "Everyone has a different religion and there's a lot of confusing stuff, so don't ask me."

Optimus furrowed his brows. "But—"

"Do you have any other question?"

Optimus paussd. "Well, yes, actually, I was wond—"

"Is it is a hard question?" Aizawa interrupted.

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