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My heart feels so heavy, burdened with pain
Yet I struggle to express, unable to explain
Emotions swirling inside, leaving me hollow
Lost in a sea of sorrow, drowning in sorrow

I search for words, but they seem to elude
The depth of my feelings, misunderstood
A weight on my chest, a heaviness unknown
Aching in silence, feeling so alone

I long to release the weight I carry
To let go of the sadness, to not tarry
But how can I show what I cannot speak
My heart feels heavy, so fragile and weak

I turn to the stars, seeking solace in the night
Hoping for guidance, for a flicker of light
To show me a path, a way to heal
To unburden my heart, to finally feel

So I'll hold onto hope, even when it feels far
Knowing that one day, I'll break free from this scar
My heart may be heavy, but it won't break
For through the darkness, a light will awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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