Polar oppisites

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The two walked over, ducking under police tape. Ethan's hair was dark brown and looked like he had shaved it in the past. His eyes a beautiful blue. He had on a black button-up shirt and black pants. A suit with no tie or jacket essentially. He was twenty-five. Beside him, the man much smaller was Veda. He was Ethan's polar opposite in a way. He had dyed red hair, big green eyes. A gray NASA tank top. Earrings in the shape of records. Only seventeen but he traveled with Ethan. They weren't related, however.

They walked over to two bodies. One of which was curled up. Small but not young. The other was covered.

"Why are we here?" Veda asked.

"Tell me what you see with this one" he pointed.

"She seems sad, she's skinny, really skinny. You can see her bones"

"What else?"

"She-" he stopped tilting his head slightly like a dog does. "She had locks around her ankles if she yelled too much- she often talked to herself, said it was the only way to keep herself sane. Her mom kept her here because she hates her, her dad's dead. It was uh- car wreck right?" He looked up at Ethan.

"You're the one reading" he shrugged.

"She was also in the car but the mom blames her for the wreck. She didn't know who he was" Veda looked at the body still covered.

"Good job, her mother was starving her, he came in and she was so hungry. One big bite from his arm, another from his stomach. There are tiny ones all about"

"Mm," Veda walked around the room. "Why did he come in here?"

"Her mom sent him, she knew something like this would happen just didn't know they would both die" he sighed "Tell me, Veda, do you know how long we can go without eating?"

"Three weeks to two months, maybe even more no one really knows" he replied without skipping a beat.

"I was gonna answer but okay" Ethan mumbled

"Well you said tell you"

"It's a figure of speech"

"Okay." Veda rolled his eyes.

"I am going to talk to the officer over there, you stay put." Ethan walked over to a man and began talking to him.

Veda walked around in small circles studying the bodies in front of him. He backed into a man.

"Ah I'm sorry-"

"Where are your parents? What are you doing here? This is a crime scene."

"My parents are dead. I'm Veda Hale, I am here with Ethan Black." He showed his I.D. card to the man.

"You're Veda?"


"Okay." The man said grabbing Veda's arm and pulling him over to Ethan. "Keep your pet close Black."

"I don't think he likes me much" Veda whispered to Ethan.

"No, he does not." Ethan agreed looking down at the boy.

"What animal would I even be?"



"Yeah, you're like my little pup" Ethan joked.

"Delightful" he rolled his eyes.

"You can keep looking just don't go too far and stay away from him okay?"

"Alright," Veda nodded.

"I gotta ask, what's with the kid?" The officer asked Elijah.

"He's smart, real smart. And he's got this gift it's like uh- he sees how some people's lives were, what they went through when they were alive, their fears, their dreams, their secrets, the things they wish they were able to say. Usually it's these images of their lives sometimes it's through their eyes other times it's third person."

"So, like a psychic?"

"Yeah, like a psychic"

"How do you know he ain't lying?"

"He has proven himself multiple times."

"How'd you meet him?" The man wondered.

"His mother, I was her friend" he looked over at Veda. "We should be going, tell me if anything else comes up"

"Will do" the man said. Ethan walked over to Veda grabbing his arm which was stuffed in the pocket of his black skinny jeans.


"We're all done here"

"I can walk myself ya know."

"I know." Ethan dropped Veda's arm and continued walking. They made their way back to a hotel. As soon as they entered Veda plopped face-first onto one of the beds. Ethan stood taking off his lanyard and placing it on the desk.

"So for dinner, I was thinking we could grab something from that truck"

"No truck food Veda."


"No. And don't even try the eyes you know they don't work on me. You can order something instead, I want to stay in tonight."

"Fine" he groaned. "You are so stubborn I just want to rip your head off sometimes"

"And you're a smart ass" Ethan started to unbutton his shirt "We go back first thing in the morning so hurry up with the food and get some sleep." He threw the shirt on the bed and walked to the bathroom. Veda opened a suitcase, putting clothes on the bed and returned Ethan's shirt to a section separated from the rest of the clothes. Veda ordered food and then slept.

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"Veda I swear to god if you do not get up right now I will drag you out and murder you" Ethan growled. Veda groaned as he rolled off the bed landing on the floor. Ethan made the bed and tidied up the room. He grabbed his suitcase (which was neatly organized, clothes folded using a military technique to save space he didn't need, one section being unfolded and filled with some dirty clothes) and pulled Veda up from the floor.

"Get up."

"I am up" he grabbed onto the handle of his own suitcase (mostly empty, the only clothes actually in there being a wrinkly mess.) They both hopped on an airplane and were on their way back home.

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