chapter two || vanilla hard candy

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"Eh ~ that cosplay's crazy, Kenma," gasped Kuro, eyeing his best friend with shock. "I can't believe you actually made that yourself!" Kenma looked downwards at his creation, spinning around slowly as he admired his work. 

The cosplay was almost an exact replica of one of the character's costume in the well-known game, GALAXY'S END. The game was pretty much every gamers' dream: amazing graphics, perfect speed, ultimate multiplayer games and even storyline. 

And he was here cosplaying as Seiun, the little-played yet perfect character for him.

He didn't have a tank-like build for defence or dealt huge damage towards enemies with a weapon, but his agility and perfect control abilities were constantly overlooked, seeing as it took great strategy and skill to play him. 

Unless you were Kozume Kenma of course. 

His pudding like hair was covered in a black blue-tinted wig and was clothed in the not so flashy but elegant blood red and gold robes. The pair of amber coloured eyes were replaced with magenta lenses, giving him a weird, sly, otherworldly look. And to complete the look, he was covered in the most beautiful cloak Kuro had ever seen; painted like the night sky with constellations and glowing LEDs made to look like stars. 

On the other hand, Kenma thought it was just another crappy cosplay. 

But for some reason, he felt brave and powerful as he walked around in it. 

"You're lucky I'm letting you off Saturday practice," Kuro snorted, eyeing his best friend sternly. His stern feautures relaxed and he grinned, slapping Kenma's back playfully with a bark of laughter. "But you've been waiting for this a long time so, good luck." 

Thank god, he's okay with it...

Kenma nodded silently, extremely happy but not letting a smile form on his face. Today, he was someone else. He'd still be quiet as ever, but in that convention centre, he would be more confident than he could be normally. Even if it meant having another identity without anyone know who he was, it would be the best day of his life. 

 And it seems the stars had aligned perfectly for this day.

 • • • 

The convention centre was packed and the journey there was nerve-wracking. Although there were tons of people in cosplay on the bus to get here, he was still skittish. 

He wondered if anyone from Nekoma was going to actually be here and prayed for the opposite, not wanting to be inconvenienced at school if they noticed him. It would be embarrassing and absolutely terrifying. I mean, he wasn't exactly cosplay material. 

Or just good in general. 

Sure, he had volleyball going for him, but wasn't there anything else he could be good at other than making costumes and video-games? He had good grades, but what was he going to do in the long-run? 

Shaking his head, he tried to clear his head and popped a vanilla hard candy in his mouth Kuro had given him beforehand. He chewed and gulped it down, walking through the glass doors with all the confidence he could muster. 

You can do this Kenma, there's nothing to worry about... 

"Kya ~! Look at that Areiya cosplay!" gushed a girl beside him, knocking him over slightly. People murmured, walking in the direction of the clumsy girl, gasping with delight as they saw the cosplay. 

"Wow, the amount of detail put in there is ridiculous!" 

What's going -? 

"Ah! Gomen, but can I take a picture with you?" asked someone from behind Kenma. He nodded, blushing profusely. The first person who's talked to me! The boy was about his age, and by the looks of it, was pretty crazy about G-END from his Kathino t-shirt and limited edition merchandise in his arms. 

 Before he knew it, the flash blinded Kenma's eyes and the boy was on his way to the panel room of a cartoon show about swimming or something.

Flee? Or was is Feet? Never mind...

He payed no mind and continued onwards, taking pictures with people, admiring people playing games he could never be good at and getting a little merchandise from stalls. Up until he heard the crowd chattering the name 'Areiya' once more. 

Kenma rushed over to the mob of people surrounding the somehow legendary cosplay. He stood on his toes, trying to get a look at her. 

Then, his heart stopped. 

Although clad in a goddess like short sakura-coloured tunic, the intricate constellation crown adorned on a peach head, black thigh high socks, a crystal staff and tall white boots that reached her knee, all he could see was one girl. 

The person least likely to cosplay he'd ever met and the person everyone had thought about her in a cosplay at least once. 

Asano Miruka was here, dressed up as the Areiya, Guardian Deity and Queen of Aether, a minor world passed over by all players of G-END. 

While Kenma was well... 

Her 'partner'.

A small blush threatened to climb upon his cheeks and it was guaranteed when he heard a random voice out of nowhere. 

"Hey guys, there's someone who actually cosplayed as Seiun over here!" 


"Is that so? Bring him over!" yelled another. 

No, no, no!

Now that was the moment all his  washed down the drain. 

"Ah!" she gasped, not turning around yet as Kenma was held in place on the tall platform. "I never thought that somebody would - " 

Oh god.

Then, it was as if time had stopped. They had never been this close, not even in class. 

"Kozume, K-Kenma?!" she blurted, her face shocked.

The boy scratched the wig. "Um, yeah..."

A tense few minutes of staring occurred between them, both not saying a thing. "It seems that we've unexpectedly co-ordinated with each other in terms of costume." 


And Kenma witnessed the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 

"Well then, Kenma-kun..." Asano laughed, a rare ear-splitting grin on her face. Sure she smiled, but he had never seen this sort of look before.

"It guess we have a lot to talk about!" 

The blush that came afterwards was enough to make the hundred fangirls in the vicinity cry. 

• • •

um hi! they finally interacted properly for the first time hehe... was it okay? it's probably okay i think. yeah. right. AH ~ it would mean the whole world to me if you could vote and comment. and thanks to all the people who checked out the story! you all mean the world to me and i'm glad i worked up the confidence to ask hehe

AND THIS TIME IT WAS SUUUPER LONG which is actually normal for me to have this sort of chapter length so the last one was kinda unusual for me so YEA

okie thank you svbhlkjncs you guys are so rxadctjyvkubh

~ render credited to AoiCrystal Renders ~

- michaela

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