chapter seven || veggie croquette

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chapter seven: VEGGIE CROQUETTE

It was once again lunch time at Nekoma High, and there was no practice for the two volleyball players this Friday, now sitting beside a very down looking girl.

"Heh ~ ! I didn't manage to grab a copy of YumeYume Party in time," whined Miruka, pouting. "Kenma . . . What am I going to do?"

"It's just a game, Milk-sama," a very snappy volleyball captain sniggered. "You're not going to die or anything."

"Shut up, Bedhead!" Miruka snarled, frowning again with no reaction from Kenma.

He continued eating his bento, occasionally looking at his new found friend and his 'BFF' from what Miruka had labeled him.

She had been joining them whenever she could, always enthusiastic to watch them play at practice, so much to the point the rest of the team were begging her to become the 'cute female manager' like the one another school had. She refused, saying that she had to take care of her brother's pet shop.

But of course, a certain half-Russian wasn't going to stop asking his senpai who he basically idolised whenever she brought food to the team.

Kenma sighed to himself, getting tired of the arguing between his friends.

He knew he was going to regret it.

The boy raised his hand, somehow silencing them.

"I have it."

Two very stunned people turned around to the blonde haired setter, his face emotionless yet his cheeks dusted with pink.

"You," began Miruka, disbelieving. "Have YumeYume Party, a boardgame styled game, where you are a cute magical girl and battle against friends to win a magical cake?"

"HA! What kind of game is that?" Kuroo barked, laughing until tears came out of his eyes almost unstoppable.

Kenma blushed more, not expecting for her to explain the whole game in front of his best friend.

He would never hear the end of this now.

He's going to use this as blackmail isn't he?

The black haired boy grinned devilishly back at him as Kenma sighed.

He's going to use this as blackmail.

" . . . You have the game."

Miruka sucked in a breath and grabbed the gamer by his shoulder's, staring at him with all the power she could muster.

"Kenma-kun, would you please lend me it!" she begged, using her puppy eyes. "I really want to play it, no matter how childish it sounds!"

He looked away, contemplating his descision. His eyes glanced back at her face, hopeful yet nervous.

He didn't want his game to be damaged, nor did he want to be exchanging it with her in public whatsover. His teammates would tease him to the ends of the earth, much less Kuro.

And so he compromised.

"Come to my place at six."

"Wha - ?"

"We're playing at my place."

What have I done?

• • •

"Sumimasen!" Miruka called out looking downwards, as the door opened in front of her.

"Oh, um, welcome," Kenma mumbled, not making eye contact with her. "Come in, I guess."

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