chapter eighteen || energy drinks

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chapter eighteen: ENERGY DRINKS

The first day of preparations for the school festival began.

Parking her bicycle on to a rack and locking it, Asano Miruka rubbed her head, droplets of sweat running down the sides of her face. She went inside the school into the locker room, changing her shoes and sighing.

The day was sweltering, a good sign. Temperatures rose and people wore t-shirts and shorts, ice cream stand sales skyrocketing. She had been awake for ages and was making sure she would forget last night's dream. Before school, she had been sprinting at dawn, reliving her middle school club days.

Although she hadn't run for a month, she was still light on her feet after cycling everywhere. Nothing had changed except for the stiffness in her calves and the new environment. Tokyo was easier to get around by bike instead of foot and she saved money by not taking the train. She missed the days when she could just run to school and not be out of breath.

Somehow, that place was entering her mind over and over again.

It was natural anyways. Both her best and worst memories lay there waiting to be glanced at again.

Jogging to her classroom, she greeted everyone she walked past and thanked the principal promptly. He nodded and sent her away with smiles on both faces, content. Miruka stepped inside the classroom, the door and window wide open.

"Good morning, Asano-san," greeted her classmates simultaneously, sending her wacky poses.

She laughed and saluted back, drawing herself away and moving towards Kenma and his childhood friend by instinct. He nodded towards her as the latter smirked devilishly.

"Welcome back, Milk-Manager-sama," he drawled, ruffling her hair. "You look so sweaty. Did you run a marathon or something?"

Miruka growled. "Be quiet! And as a matter of fact, yes, I did run,"

"Woke up late? I'm not surprised, Milk-sama!"

"I did not, thank you very much. Besides, you should be working on your stall," she sighed, scooting around him and placing her things down gently. "What are you guys doing? It's your last year after all."

Kuroo's eyes widened, all of them knowing she had hit a very well hidden weak spot. "We're making a haunted house. It's a classic and we can totally pull it off!"

"You cried when we saw The Ring, Kuro," muttered Kenma, smashing buttons on his console with a ghost of a smile gracing his focused face. Miruka barked out a laugh and Kuroo blanched, then flushed.

"Be quiet Kenma!"

"Ah, so you don't deny it."

Miruka ended her fit of laughter after a while, then locked eyes with Kato Hotaru, the next representative. She waved him over and somehow ushered Kuroo out at the same time. Kenma didn't budge.

The teacher had spoken to him outside the classroom and told him to proceed with plans and do what they need. Miruka nodded and Hotaru called on the class.

"Everyone, attention, please!" he hollered, making a 'come here' motion with his arm. All eyes were on him. "We've decided that the petting zoo will be our class stall!"

Exclamations of both curiosity and approval came from everybody. "In order to represent our school, a cat shelter has gladly asked to help us out," Miruka continued, writing the information on the board. "Secondly, we have to set out jobs and I've compiled a list. I've made sure you're all working with your friends and that you can either stay here to keep going if you don't have club afterwards. We've got the next few days to prepare so let's get to it!"

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