Chapter VII: The Saiyans Are Coming, Wrath of The Legendary Super Saiyan

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"You...You've taken innocent lives again...And again...My Wife...Chi-Chi...GR....NR....IT'S OVER...!!!!! TURLES...!!!!!" Goku, now a Super-Saiyan, filled with rage, appeared before Turles before he could blink or have the chance to fight back!

"Naugh-You low-level trash-GWAK!" Before Turles could prepare his attack, Goku struck as many blows as he could first. On Turles's trail like a rabid animal, The Saiyan King of Tamaran tries to grab another piece of fruit from the Tree Of Might. He hoped that if he ate another fruit, he could easily outclass the Legendary Super-Saiyan. However...Despite being successful and fully charged from the Fruit's power, "GAUGH...!" a Vicious knee strike displayed to Turles that he was NOT going to overpower the RAW MIGHT of the Legendary Super-Saiyan. Even STILL, Turles tries to fight back, only to find himself brutalized by the sheer raw power that Goku displayed through his physical attacks as a Super-Saiyan.

The moment Turles was given some space, He flies up in the air and stands in front of the Tree Of Might. "SAIYAN OF LEGEND!" He declared Goku to be, "IF YOU TRULY ARE THE LEGEND OF LEGENDS, THEN STRIKE THIS ATTACK HEAD ON! DODGE IT, AND THIS WHOLE PLANET WILL BE HISTORY!" As it stood, Turles didn't care about his plans anymore. His brutal beating from Super-Saiyan Goku erupted so much rage in Turles, that he wanted to see if this form had Chosen Goku or not.

Goku, feet on the ground, stood his ground while Turles ciphered every ounce of energy he could to form a massive ball of energy. "Ka...Me..." He snarls, gripping his hands tightly, "Ha...Me..."

"PREPARE YOURSELF KAKAROT! PREPARE YOURSELF FOR OBLIVION!!!!!" Turles released his energy ball once it was ready, "NOW...DIE...!!!!" He shouts, thrusting the attack downards towards Goku

Goku, snarling even further, cups his hands together and thrusted them outward! "HAAAAAAAAAAAA...!!!!!" Using the same attack once more, allowing it to be amplified by the power of being a Super-Saiyan, Goku obilerated both Turles and the Tree Of Might, destroying them both...For good.

Goku, knowing that the fight was truly over, passed out from exhaustion. 'I don't know...Where that power came from...But thank you...I...I've avenged my wife...And my friends...And my family thanks to it...Thank you...' These were Goku's final words before losing consciousness.


"Augh..." When Goku woke up, he was back at the Lookout. "Yasuke." He knew that Yasuke brought him back here. "He must have found me and brought me back here. Hopefully everything went well between Him, Vegeta and Nappa." He exits from the bed he laid in, the room he was given and followed the voice of Yasuke, who was training both Gohan and Grayson. The reason for this was because Yasuke knew that the dragon balls were gone. To restore them, they needed to travel to Namek and use the Namekian Dragon Balls. Once that was finished, They could use the earth's dragon balls to restore the lives taken away by the Saiyans.

The outer lookout was where Yasuke was seen training Gohan and Grayson. "Come on boys!" Yasuke says after gaining the upperhand on both sons of Goku, "You'll be defending the earth while we're gone! Once Kakarot wakes up, he and I will be preparing our trip to Planet-"

"DAD!" Grayson, seeing Goku first, bee-lined towards his father and tackled him down with a hug. "YOU'RE ALIVE!" He said

Goku chuckles and hugs Grayson tightly. "You're alive too." He said, "I'm so sorry...I didn't arrive on time...And now...I've lost everyone...We've lost everyone...I can't wish your mother back to life..."

"Yes you can." Yasuke tells Goku as Gohan embraces a tear-swelling Goku, "Planet Namek has a set of Dragon Balls." He adds, "To get to Namek...Shivers We'll have to ask Bulma for help. As much as I hate asking her for ANYTHING, this is the only way we're gonna get to Namek."

"...Of Course!" Goku says, remembering Yasuke telling him about Planet Namek alongside Kakora and Miliah, "The Namekian Dragon Balls! But wait-why not ask King Kai, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping us out."

"He's done enough for us already." Said Yasuke, "It's time that we use our resources here on earth. I'm just going to have to suck up my fears of that blue-haired she-demon and ask for her help. It's the least I can do for you, Kakarot."

"Thanks big bro." Goku says with a brotherly smile, "I owe ya one. By the way, how did everything go with Vegeta and Nappa? Did you defeat them?"

"Nappa, yes." Said Yasuke, "But that Rat Vegeta, he got away. I guess he's more persistent than I gave'em credit for. He'll be dealt with soon though."

Goku: You could spare him, you know?-

Yasuke: After everything he's done? Forget it, not gonna happen. By the way, On our way to Namek, we may have to deal with some Tamarans along the way. You know, for revenge of their "Fallen King and his Harem." We're going to have to be ready for that.

Goku: And we will. There's too much riding on this. I owe it to our family and our friends. I owe it to Chi-Chi. Do you think the Dragon Balls can undo what was done to her body?

Yasuke: Her body was destroyed the minute after Turles and Blackfire did whatever they did to her. All I found was an arm of my sister-in-law. But the Namekian Dragon Balls are considered the second most powerful orbs in the universe, so I'm sure your request will not go unheard from the Dragon of Namek.

Goku: That's good news. Very good news.

Grayson: Uncle Yasuke, does that mean Gohan and I will get our Mommy Back!?

Yasuke nods: That's right [Grins]

As Gohan and Grayson cheered alongside their father, whose strength was restored knowing that Chi-Chi wouldn't be dead for long, Yasuke looked upward at the sky. 'Vegeta escaped. And knowing him, he's probably heading towards where Frieza is. Or where Namek is. However or Whatever that order will go, it won't change anything. You might have escaped Vegeta, but know this: Kakarot and I are on a mission...And if you stand in between that...You will be connected to God's Wifi...'


Back at the Village, where no life could be detected...A seal that was resting underneath where the Tree of Might used to be, began to crack. And as it cracked, inside of it, showed a woman of pale grayish skin and long red hair. Whoever this woman was and why her fate led her to be sealed away was unknown...

What was known now was this:

The Saiyan had reached its conclusion.

And thus...A new saga has begun.

The Saga...Of The Rise Of Queen Beryl.

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