XIII-Is this the end? 🎬

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Is this the end, or just a start.
A new beginning for the heart.
In every ending, a seed is sown.
A place where new life is grown.

The curtain falls, the lights may dim.
But in the quiet, dreams can swim.
From ashes rise, like phoenix flame.
The cycle turns, forever the same.

In the final breath, a whisper true,
A call to paths that start anew.
Every sunset, a dawn awaits.
Beyond the horizon, with different fates.

The end of a chapter's closing line.
Makes way for stories yet to shine.
A finish here, but not goodbye.
For echoes linger, memories fly.

Is this the end? Perhaps it's so.
Or just a pause before we go.
To realms unknown, where we explore.
To write new tales, to seek once more.

In endings, we often find our way.
To brighter dawns, to a fresh new day.
So is this the end, or just a bend?
In the river of life, with turns to transcend.

So is this the end, or just a bend?In the river of life, with turns to transcend

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