4 - New Help

22 3 1

Third Person

The night was already not the best for Ryuko. The training session from the previous day left her feeling more sore then she had ever been prior, couple that with the horrible nightmare she just woke from and Ryuko knew today was not going to be a good one. Instead of being able to sleep normally and going about her standard routine, she was instead awoken by loud alarms blaring. 

"We're late! We're late! We're late!" Mako exclaims repeated, rushing to get her clothing on and to eat breakfast. "Ryuko, hurry and get ready!"

"Uh Mako, you know it's 4am right?" Ryuko tries to calm the panicking girl down. However as she finishes her statement she hears a scream of agony from Senketsu. 

"Help me! I'm being murdered!" Senketsu cries in pain. 

Mrs. Mankanshoku, not knowing that Senketsu can feel pain, is currently washing Senketsu with all her might. She may not look like it, but her strength is unbelievable in comparison to most people. As she continues washing Senketsu she looks up to see Mako and Ryuko looking at her. 

"Mako," she starts, "your lunch is waiting for you in the kitchen."

"Senketsu!" Ryuko shouts out as she watches Senketsu be brutally cleaned.

"Good morning, Ryuko!"

"Good morning... Wait, that's my uniform! I cant-" 

"I know! It was filthy, so I'm giving it an extra-thorough cleaning!" 

"Ma'am, I can take it from here, so you don't-" 

"No you will not!" As Mrs. Mankanshoku says this she wrings out the water from Senketsu. "Your job as a student is to go to school and study!" She wrings him again. "And it's my job as a housewife to stay home and do the laundry!" She hangs up Senketsu to dry and the whacks him. "Is that clear? Now, hurry and eat your breakfast, or you'll be late for school!"

Ryuko is horror looks on as she continues washing Senketsu. "But I can't go to school without that uniform..."

Another alarm rings through the neighborhood. 

"Oops," Mako starts, "I forgot to panic! Today's the big day, Ryuko!"

"The big day?" Ryuko responds still confused as to what is happening.

Mako starts pushing Ryuko out the door giving the latter hardly anytime to grab the case that holds her scissor blades. "You're fine in your PJs! Just get moving!"

"We'll drop your uniform off later!" Mr. Mankanshoku says.

"Wait, Ryuko! You're the only one who can hear me!" Ryuko stops at the door looking back in surprise, just to see Mrs. Mankanshoku press a hot iron down on Senketsu. He let's out a pained yell, prompting Ryuko to ask, "Are you ok, Senketsu?"

"Senketsu?" Mako asks, prompting Ryuko to turn back to her. Mako wears a look of pity as she asks, "You gave your uniform a name? (Y/n) does that also! You two must be really lonely!" Looking out the window she can see a familiar head of white hair. "Maybe I can help you both become friends so you're both less lonely!" 

Grabbing Ryuko, Mako charges out the door as Ryuko yells for her to wait. "Sorry Ryuko, but we gotta go make you some friends at school!" 

Tripping on the last step, Mako flings Ryuko forwards as they both land in a sea of students. 

"I'm sorry, Senketsu!"


With Senketsu

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