Part 29

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Katsuki knew the adults were planning something. They were about as subtle as a brick wall, but he trusted his dad, so he didn't say anything. Masaru was trying, he was clearly uncomfortable meeting with several heroes at once, but he pushed those feelings aside for Katsuki.

"Don't let Tenko out of your sight." Katsuki rolled his eyes, ignoring the stern glare the old man sent him.

"Da— Daddy... wanna stay with you." Aizawa snatched the little one up, allowing him to curl into his chest, something that brought Tenko instant comfort.

Katsuki moved closer, holding his arms out so Tenko could be transferred seamlessly over to him, but his dad refused to let go.

The teen was about to protest when he noticed his sibling was shaking. His tiny hands were clutching at the fabric of their guardian's jumpsuit, tears streaming down his puffy cheeks. Katsuki was fairly certain Tenko was having a panic attack.

He had no idea how to help. He wasn't even sure what set the boy off this time. Tenko had been extra clingy lately, but he always wanted to stick close to Aizawa. That wasn't a new development.

"Out. Everyone." Jeanist, Mic, Yagi, and Endeavor snapped their attention to Aizawa immediately. They clearly wanted to argue, but another hard look from his old man and they were all stumbling out of the apartment without so much as a peep. Katsuki chuckled lightly, knowing his dad wouldn't actually hurt any of them. Not seriously anyway.

Masaru was sort of frozen though.

Katsuki was about to tell him he needed to leave too, only to be interrupted by Aizawa.

"Can you— would you be willing to go with the rest of them without me? I know that's a big ask..." Aizawa cringed at the sound of his own voice. There was a hint of desperation to it, and that made Katsuki feel like his chest was being ripped open.

"I think I can manage." Masaru didn't sound confident, his hands were twitching nervously at his side. Katsuki was proud that Mas was putting Tenko's needs above his own insecurities.

Aizawa exhaled slowly and let his shoulders fall from their tensed up position near his ears. "Thank you. I really do appreciate it. Tenko has been struggling ever since— he just doesn't like being away from me." Masaru waved him off and made his way to the front door.

Katsuki felt like he should say something, acknowledge that he was grateful too.

Tenko wasn't a stranger to Masaru, but he wasn't his child either. His little brother was drawn to him though. He loved it when his "Uncle Ru" came over. Katsuki was happy that Tenko had adults in his life that were good to him. The kid deserved it. He deserved so much.

"Mad at me?" The sound of his brother's fragile voice startled him from his thoughts. It was barely above a whisper. The apprehension in his tone is what caught Katsuki's attention.

"I'm not mad at you." Aizawa had his forehead pressed against Tenko's. His tone was soft as he ran his fingers through the little one's dark hair. Another trick that helped calm Tenko down.

"Promise?" The hero smiled, a small gesture that didn't happen around many people. He held up his pinky and Tenko finally let his defenses down. The grin that took over his face was blinding.

Their fingers curled around one another briefly and seconds later, Tenko cupped Aizawa's face with both hands, squishing the man's cheeks with a giggle.

"Love you big lots!" Katsuki rolled his eyes. The kid was way too cute for his own good.

"Big lots? Hmm... only big lots?" Tenko gasped, eyes going wide as he let his hands fall to Aizawa's collarbones.

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