Lucifer sits on top of the buildings as he is causing chaos around another city he chuckles as he hears the screams of the people being torn apart by his kemons "Ah what music they make!" he takes a sip of blood wine in a wine glass. Lucifer continues to drink but then is interrupted as he begins to sense something, something strong, something powerful from afar like someone is calling for him, he drops the glass of bloodwine and begins to follow the scent, his six wing come out from his back as he begins to fly towards the sense he thinks to himself "What kind of power am I sensing here is it that brat that I drained from? No that can't be I nearly killed him and he's locked away in my cage but then again he might of escaped and is corrupted well if so might as well take more of his power away just for the hell of it." Lucifer shrugs it off as he fly's towards the sense where the power is coming from.
AventuraDave and the rest of the SKULLCRUSHERS must face an even more stronger foe than ever before, but soon they must face someone that is in the group that is losing themselves, doing this might break the SKULLCRUSHERS.