Chapter 7:Unveiling Strength

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Jerome stretched as he woke up, the weight of the previous day's battles lingering in his muscles. Around him, the others stirred, each one looking more determined than the last. Today, they would finally lay all their cards on the table.

"We need to know what we're working with," Kean said, his voice steady. "Let's reveal our stats and abilities."

One by one, they shared their information.

Jerome: "I chose the Rogue class," he lied smoothly, hiding his lack of a class. His friends nodded, accepting his word without suspicion.

Kean: "I'm a Swordsman. My abilities focus on close combat and agility."

Emman:"I'm a Vanguard," he said, revealing his role as the group's front-line defender. "I can take more hits and hold the line."

Grecil:"I'm a Support. My buffs can enhance your strength and speed, and I have minor healing abilities."

Chie:"I'm a Mage,"she said with a slight grin. "I can cast offensive and defensive spells, and I have some crowd control abilities."

As they finished, Jerome's mind raced with the possibilities and strategies. Ivan, standing apart from the group, watched with a neutral expression. He, like Jerome, hadn't chosen a class, but his intentions remained a mystery.

The day began with another wave of monstrous creatures, each one more formidable than the last. The group fought valiantly, their new understanding of each other's strengths making a noticeable difference.

In the midst of battle, Jerome noticed Kean struggling with a particularly vicious monster. Before he could intervene, the creature's fangs sank into Kean's right leg, tearing through flesh and bone. Kean screamed, collapsing to the ground as blood pooled around him.

"Kean!" Grecil shouted, rushing to his side. She cast a healing spell, but the damage was severe.

"Keep fighting!" Jerome commanded, taking charge. "We need to protect Kean and finish this."

Chie unleashed a barrage of fireballs, holding the monsters at bay. Emman positioned himself in front of Kean and Grecil, his shield absorbing the brunt of the attacks. Jerome weaved through the chaos, striking precisely at the monsters' weak points with his quick and agile movements.

Despite their efforts, the battle was brutal. Kean's injury slowed him down, but he fought on with grim determination, using his sword to fend off the creatures.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the last monster fell. The group stood amidst the carnage, their breaths ragged and bodies aching. They had survived, but the cost was high.

Grecil looked at Kean's leg, her face pale. "We need to find a way to heal this properly."

Jerome nodded, his mind already working on their next steps. "We'll find something. But first, let's rest and regroup."

As they settled down, Jerome couldn't shake the feeling that their journey was only going to get harder. The bond between them was growing stronger, but so were the challenges they faced.

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