All hell broke loose

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Zila's  POV

I sealed the letter in an envelope, slipping it into the mail box. Maybe my life would get better soon, if that person got the letter. Anyway. I slung my backpack over my shoulders and set off at a fast pace. I turned the corner and walked into school, looking over my shoulder. It felt like someone was watching me. But there was no one there. I shrugged off my suspicions and walked over to home room.
"Hey Zila!" My friend Jack waved at me, wearing his baseball cap like always. He walked over in his usual loping gait.
"Hey Jack," I said, giving him a hug.
"Why weren't you at school yesterday?" He asked.
"Oh um, ummmmmm, I was sick," I lied. I didn't want anyone to know the actual reason, not even my closest friend. Real reason? Bunch of wild dogs trashes my campsite and I was running errands all day for old Mrs Golond to try and earn some money to get some new stuff.
"Really?" Jack said, eyeing me suspiciously. RING! Thank the gods, saves by the bell. I ran off to my first class, English.

I sat at my desk staring at the board. The words swam in front of my eyes. They were impossible to comprehend! But then, my vile English teacher Ms Vanhag decided to make us do a spelling test! Yay!(note the sarcasm) I couldn't spell to save my life. I groaned.
"What is it Zila? You don't like spelling?" Said the old hag. She seemed to be in a horrible mood today.
"Um... no?" And then all hell broke loose.

Daughter of the wild: Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now