Breakfast with a Prince

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What was he going to do now? How far had that guy gotten with Stolas last night? For his sake, he better not have injured one feather on his prince's perfect ass.

This was driving him absolutely crazy. He has to go over there and make sure the now sober Stolas knows just how truly sorry he is.

Picking up his phone, he called Moxxie and told him to get the van started and to pull it to the front. He was going over there whether that guy had left or not. Making a scene was no foreign concept to Blitz and he absolutely thrived for the chaos.

About 20 minutes later, Blitz was dressed and climbing into the van.

 "Where are we going, Sir?" Moxxie said from the passenger seat. Millie was seated in the back. They never liked to go anywhere without each other. He always admired that about the two, though that's a secret he would take to the grave.

Well, you know what he means.

For some reason, Stolas' mansion looked way bigger now than it had yesterday when he was here begging him to let him fuck it all better. Looking back on that now, he felt incredibly stupid. 

Obviously, all Stolas wanted was to be loved and now all Blitz wants is to provide that for him. He was so caught up in his stubbornness for so long that he hadn't stopped to think maybe he really did love the prince. Hopefully, he hasn't blown his last and final chance.

Hopefully, that asshat hasn't fucked Stolas better than him and completely erased him from the owl's memory. "Yeah, as if that could ever happen. My dick is the best there is." he mumbled to himself as he reached for the door handle.

"Um, did you say something, Sir?" Moxxie asked, pure concern for his boss in his voice.

"Nothing, Moxxie. Lucifer fucking Satan, can I ever just have a private moment with myself without you putting your nose in my business all the time?" He paused, considering if Moxxie even had a nose to stick in his business to begin with.

Blitz stepped out of the van and stopped in front of the driveway that led up to the huge mansion. He tried to formulate a plan on his way up to the front door. If the stranger was still in there, he had to act rationally. What would Stolas do if he showed any form of violence towards the man he may or may not have just fucked? Would he even be willing to hear him out after that?

"Maybe he would think it was romantic. Like Prince Charming here to save his princess." he thought to himself. He shook his head and knocked on the door. He figured he would give the prince some time to make himself presentable or if he's lucky, kick his unwanted visitor out.

Stolas opened the door a few minutes after Blitz had knocked for the second time. He looked down to see the small imp standing there, shaking from what he couldn't quite decide. The look on his face fell into one of complete disgust. "Oh, it's you again. Come to ruin my life some more, have you?"

"Come on, Stolas. Don't be like that. I tried to apologize to you at the party last night but you were very drunk and it didn't seem fair." Blitz followed him inside the mansion and into the kitchen. As he did, he was scanning the area for any sign that his visitor might still be there. There didn't seem to be any sign of him. It didn't appear that breakfast had been had yet either.

"If you are searching for my friend from last night, you'll be happy to learn that he did not return home with me last night." Stolas said, seeming to almost read his mind. He looked down at the shorter male, an almost shit eating grin on his face. Funny considering how yesterday he was talking about how he has never looked down on him.

"He didn't? Why? Why wouldn't he want to go home with you? I mean, look at you." Blitz knew he was rambling, but he couldn't help it. He felt nothing but pure joy when he learned no one else had been inside his dear prince.

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