A Job Well Done

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When they came out of the portal, Blitz looked to M&M to make sure they made it through okay. "Um, Moxxie? Why are you in a dress?" Not to mention, he had also put his hair into pigtails.

"Because Sir, I look goooood and you can't deny it."

Millie giggled and pulled Moxxie in for a hug, rubbing their noses together. "I second that, babe."

"Oh yeah, she's definitely pegging you. Okay, we need to get this show on the road."

Thankfully, he had the portal drop them off in an alley way next to the building where it was said Adam worked. They walked around to the front of the building.

"How about you guys watch out here in case he runs and I'll go in and scope it out." Blitz said, before entering the building. The front door led into a huge lobby area with a nice looking blonde woman waiting at the main desk.

"How can I help you today, SIr?" she asked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm looking for a man by the name of Adam. He's an old friend and I've been trying to get in touch with him. He owes me quite a bit of money. Do you know if he is here today by chance?"

"Umm..let me check on that real quick.." She started to type vigorously on her computer keyboard. With Blitz's luck, she was probably alerting security or something to that effect that he was here. DId he really come off that aggressive?

"It appears Adam did not show up for work today. That's strange and unlike him. I'm sorry, Sir."

Blitz face palmed and slid his hand down to his chin. This was supposed to be an in and out case. Someone must have tipped off dear ol Adam and told him there was a warrant out for his head. He was getting really tired of the cat and mouse. Any other occasion, he would be thrilled. He loved when they ran. But he had a date to plan, and time was eluding him.

"Do you happen to know where he would have gone or his home address?" Blitz was trying to keep his cool as losing his shit on this woman might not have the results he wanted.

"Adam likes to keep private and it is company policy that I do not release the address of one our employees to a potential client."

"Yes but as I have stated before, I am not a potential client. I am an old friend so again I ask, what is Adam's address?"

"I'm sorry, Sir. There is nothing more I can do for you. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Something in Blitz snapped. He hopped on top of the counter and grabbed the lady by the collar of her shirt. She began to cry and plead for security, but he didn't care. He would destroy them all if it came down to it.

"Listen here, bitch. I am not the one you want to be fucking with. If I find out Adam put you up to this and you are purposely impeding my investigation, I will come back here and blow your head off and anyone else that stands in my way. Got it?"

He slammed her back into her chair but she just fell to the floor in a blubbering heap. Turning around, he ran out of the building and grabbed MIllie and Moxxie by the hands, dragging them down the street.

"What's got your panties in a twist, Blitz." Millie said, trying to keep up with the pace he was running.

"Oh you know, I may have threatened someone's life in there. Nothing out of the ordinary."

They turned the corner and ran behind a random building to catch their breath and figure out what they were going to do now.

"Well shit, now we have no idea where Adam could be." Millie said.

Not a second later, a man appeared behind them. Moxxie whipped out his pistol, ready to defend his wife and boss. The stranger threw his hands up in an effort to show he meant no harm.

"Woah, woah little fella. I'm not gonna hurt you guys. I just heard you mention the name Adam. Do you mean the accountant Adam that works just down the street?"

Moxxie slowly lowered the gun in his hands and slipped it into the holster around his thigh. It came in handy considering he was still wearing the dress.

The man eyed him almost hungrily as he did so, causing Millie to growl and step in front of him to shield him from the creep's eyes. "Yes. We are looking for him. How do you know who he is?" she said.

"He is my neighbor funny enough! I can take you to him if you'd like."

Millie, Moxxie and Blitz all turned to look at each other. Things were actually starting to look up.

They followed the man a few blocks down the street to an apartment complex. He led them to an elevator inside and took them to the 5th floor.

"Here we are, Room 513. I hope you have a nice visit!" he said, before entering his own apartment building. He wasn't going to ask what they wanted with him. Frankly, he didn't care.

Blitz grinned devilishly, his tail flicking up and down. "Oh, we plan to. Okay guys, we are going in guns blazing. " He said, pulling out his AR. "He obviously already knows we are on the way so there's no need to waste anymore time."

Blitz kicked down the apartment door and entered it, looking around. Just as he had stepped over the door he kicked down, a gunshot rang out. The bullet flew right past his head and into the wall beside him. He turned and pointed his AR in the direction it came from, the kitchen.

He watched as Adam ran to take cover behind a wall. Millie and Moxxie fell in behind Blitz, ready to provide back up in case Adam tried anything else stupid.

"I would quit fucking around Adam and accept your fate if I were you." Blitz taunted. He began to walk into the kitchen but as he did, an entire fucking toaster came flying at his face.

Adam took the chance he was given to run from behind the wall and into the living room.

Millie and Moxxie both grabbed each of his hands and yanked him to the floor, hopping on top of him to make sure he couldn't get back up.

Blitz shook his head from the impact of the large, metal object. "Really, dude? A fucking toaster?" He said, pointing his AR right at Adam's forehead. "This is for burning down that farm house and killing that poor innocent family."

He pulled the trigger sending a bullet straight into Adam's useless brain. He enjoyed watching the prick's body go lifeless. Crouching down, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and took a picture of himself with Adam; Millie and Moxxie still sitting on his back.

The two small demons gave him a what the hell look.

"Hey, I've gotta have photo evidence to show that we got the job done."

"Are we just going to leave him here?" Moxxie said. He felt kinda bad killing someone and just leaving them there to rot.

"Yes, Moxx, we are leaving him. They will find him when he doesn't show up for work tomorrow. Don't be such a pussy. Besides, his soul is probably halfway to Hell by now so come on. We have to get going."

Blitz pulled out the crystal and used it to open a portal back to Hell. They stepped through and appeared in Blitz's office.

"You guys rest up and I will contact our client to tell him the job has been taken care of." When M&M left his office, he did just that along with sending him the picture he took at the scene.

Now all he had to do was plan his date. This had to be perfect.

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