The Beginning ...

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Gotham City 2015 , At 6:30am at Wayne Manor, Maria Wayne sister of Bruce Wayne , was just waking up to the sound of her alarm of "The Kids Aren't Alright" Fall Out Boy, At the same time in the room next Stephanie was also waking up to Fall Out Boy but to the song "Hum Hallelujah". Maria Always waited for Stephanie to have a shower first, Seeing that they did share a bathroom, Maria always slept in until Stephanie finished in the bathroom.

Stephanie was in the shower just thinking to herself it's been 2 years today , when she moved in to live with Maria and her family. She was remembering how she first met Maria ..........When she was 16 , she had no friends , didn't go to school , her parents had died from a car crash when she was 15, There was no other family and her friends from school didn't even call or made contact with her after the parents died she realised soon she had no one, from then on she went from city to city , sleeping in parks and bus stops when it rained, for food she would steal from fruit shops to survive, She remembered the first day she arrived in Gotham City , She loved it and she found out there was a shelter where you could stay the night and they had food and you come and leave as you please, which she thought was great and bet sleeping in the park and stealing which she never liked but their was no other option her parents left her no money, what would they leave her , her parents were leaving paycheck by paycheck. Stephanie would only sleep at the shelter at night and woke up early, she would spent the whole day exploring Gotham, After 2 months of living in Gotham she knew Gotham like the back of her hand, the parts she love and the parts she never wanted to go back to. She would meanly be hanging around Gotham High School , she like seeing all teenages go to school and life there lives like it was a scene from the Movie Mean Girls , everyone was in groups. But their was one girl who was always on the school roof , she was always drawing or listening to music and she never hanged around anyone else. One day the girl was walking home when she dropped a pencil , Stephanie remembered picking up the pencil it was red. she was going to call out of the girl but she was already gone. she thought i leaving it on the rooftop, she knew the girl would find it their tomorrow. She walked in the school no one asked her if as went to the school one said a word to her well then again she was meant to be in high school but she no money so how could she , she found her way to the rooftop she left the girl's pencil in the spot where she usually saw her. Then when she turned around their was the girl , the girl she always saw.

"Heyy" the girl said to me.

"Heyy" i said back .

"You don't go to this school do you?" the girl said to me , i answered she back honestly

"No i don't......i came to leave your pencil you drop ..... umm here it is"

I handed it to her , she took the pencil from my hand.

"Thank you so much , i really needed this colour if not i wouldn't have been able to finish my drawing"

She showed me her drawing , i always wanted to see what she was drawing and now here is she showing me , it was amazing i thought , she was a drawing of a bunch of roses.

" I am Maria" said she with a sweet smile.

"Stephanie " giving her a smile back.

From that day on me and Maria always hanged out on the rooftop together , she was my first really friend i had in a long time and i knew i could trust her..... About 3 weeks later, when we were on the roof talking Maria said

"I want you to come life with me, We have a huge house my brother is more then happy for you to come life with us, He said he will even pay for to go to school again with me" She smiled i could tell she was serious , i was shocked at first then all that come out of my mouth was ..

"Your not messing with me are you !" i screamed at her

"No .. you know i wouldn't do that.... I am 100% serious ... your room would be next to mine well their is a bathroom between us...." Maria said

I looked at her and cried , Maria hugged me

"Its ok , You know i am always their for you and on the plus side , We'll be living together and there's a butler too Alfred , well he's more like a father to me and my brother who's never home and Grayson and Alfred who's around but not all the time so it would just be me and you........ And we can have parties all the time " Maria laughed with a sweet smiled

"Ok , Thank you so much Maria" I said crying as we hugged

After knowing Maria for about a month, we became like sisters i told her everything about me and my past, she never once judged me. She was so understanding and always listened to me, She would give me half her lunch and we would about everything and anything we soon realised that were destined to meet and become friends .........Sisters

That's how i ended up leaving with Maria and her family , Everyone welcomed me with open arms , Alfred was so nice and treated me the same way he treated Maria, Grayson was also like me no parents and was brought into the Manor by Bruce , Maria's Brother who i only met 4 times he was never at home Maria told me he was always working and never really come home and some how it was always just me and Maria at the Manor most of the time. I thought to myself sometimes ,Maria was all by herself in this big house , she must have felt lonely....

But why was she by herself where was everyone else........ I was brought back to earth on i heard.....

* Knock Knock Knock *

"Heyy you've been in their for 20 minutes !!! We have school remember !!!" Maria shouted

"Yeah give me 5" I shouted back

"Ok" Maria Said

Hi everyone so this is my first time writing so i hoped you liked the 1st chapter ...... I will write a chapter every week and post them on Saturdays Xx

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