After School ...

23 2 4

Oliver POV 

I had grabbed Maria's arm just before she fell into the fountain what is Maria thinking , then she turned around i knew she was crying why was she crying...

"Oliver" she whispered 

She was shocked to see me but seeing her face just then made my heartache without even thinking i pulled Maria into my chest and hugged her, She just stood there for a moment, when i hugged her it felt right of some reason ... why ... i felt like i had to, it took her a moment to hug me back but when she did , she started to crying into my chest i used one of my hands to softly pat her head.

"Maria whatever is wrong ... it's going to be ok

I tell her maybe it might make her feel better, she stops crying after a moment and pulls herself away from me , no i wanted to keep hugging her, she took a step back and wiped away her last tears. 

" I am sorry you had to see me like that, i didn't mean to .... i don't even know you ... sorry "Maria said in a low voice

"It's ok don't be sorry and you do know me ... we met this morning "  

I say trying to get her to smile i want to see that smile i saw this morning and she's right i don't know her and she dosen't know me. I hear a small laugh come out of her, she looked at me and then smiled , there it was that smile from this morning , i smiled back.

"So are you going to be ok... i mean do you want to talk about it or something?

Ok why i am so nervous when i am around her i couldn't even get a proper sentence out just then. 

"I am going to be ok , thank you Oliver for just .... begin there and saving me

"It's ok anytime , umm how about tomorrow ? 

Oh my god did i just ask her out, ok i did and now she's looking at me like i am from out of space.... me and my big mouth i didn't even remember giving my mouth permission to say that, not that i didn't want to ask her out , i thought i would be more cool about it and not after i just saw her cry and had an awkward hug with her , well i didn't think it was awkward , it felt right to hug her, there was something about her i liked...

"Umm no sorry"

Oh my god she said no what i thought she liked me too ... maybe

"Wait i mean no sorry not tomorrow or Saturday maybe sunday ?

Oh thank god .. wait not sunday i have meetings all day and that stupid Wayne fundraising ball and mother said i have to go.

"I would love to do sunday but i can't i have work all day .... i would say lets do something at night but i have this stupid fundraising ball at Wayne Industries and ... 

I stop she looks upset , thats great... well i mean that means she sad about not going out with me and then i see her face left up. 

"OMG thats this Sunday I completely forgot , how could i forget.... and it's not a stupid fundraising ball it meant alot to my mother

She's angry with me why ... wait what i am confused.....forgot ... meant alot to her mother, i was about to say something when Maria had turned around and walked away from me, wait no i need answers , i court up with her straight away and i reached out and grab her wrist , she turned around and looked at me she was crying , did i make her cry....

"Maria .....i

I was about to say sorry when i see someone step in front of us letting my hand let go from Maria's wrist i look to see who it is...

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