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Hello everyone I hope you enjoy my story. This is my first one so don't be too harsh on me, please comment if you have any tips on things I should change :). Also I will not be sexualizing the triplets in any way there will only be a some kissing. I understand this might upset some people but i prioritize the triplets comfort over giving people what they want. Thank you and enjoy!!

Edit: 21 reads already?! Thank yall sm!!!!

Y/N's pov

"Are you coming to my party?" Your friend addison asks.

"Yea but I'm worried because I won't know anyone there besides you." I told her this all the time usually when I wasn't actually going. The only reason I wouldn't be going is because I have social anxiety.

"So that means you're not coming then? You have to let go every once in a while please just come and meet people if you don't like it you are free leave. I will even drive you home."

"I told you this time I really am going! I'm excited to meet people. Plus you can't blame me, I just moved here so you really are the only person I know." I just moved here 3 weeks ago and met addison, we've been best friends ever since.

"Okay, okay well I really do hope to see you there tonight."

"You will. I will talk to you later, byeee!"


• At the party •

"Hey I just got here. Do I just walk in?"

"Yea! I will see you at some point tonight, there's so many people that I have to go greet still so it might be a while!"

"Okay, bye."


I walk up to the doors before taking a deep breath. I start to question why I even came. "We are doing this" I say to myself as I walk in.

• Inside the party •

As I walk in I see that there are so many people which makes me very uncomfortable. I walk around for a bit not saying a single word to anyone until I eventually find the bar.

"Hey! What can I get you?" The bartender says.

"I'll take a vodka tonic."

"Coming right up!"

As I sit there I look around I still didn't see Addison anywhere.

I get my drink which I quickly start to drink. Next thing I know this guy with the bluest eyes I've ever seen sits next to me.

"Hi, I'm nick!" He says

"Hello, I'm Y/n."

"Its nice to meet you"

"You as well!" I try to not sound nervous talking to him but my anxiety got the best of me as my voice begins to sound shakey at the end of my sentence.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Yea, I'm fine. I just have a bit of social anxiety I'm sorry."

"Oh that's okay! My brother actually has super bad social anxiety as well."

"Oh is he here tonight?"

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