f o u r

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[ A l l i s o n ]

"now could you please just shut up and figure out what i should wear?!" i said to gem.

"oh come on. but h-how though? like he just asked you? just like that?"

i sighed. "i dont know. i'm pretty shocked myself either. but finally, after all these times, a miracle actually happened."

since Niall had asked me to hangout with him, i had spent the last few hours having mini heart attacks and eventually called gem to help me pick an outfit.

he might not find it as a big deal but it is to me. i'm having a hard time choosing what to wear and i don't even know where we're going. i really need to make a good impression, this is my chance.

gem's phone suddenly blinked indicating that someone had texted her.

"ugh, these are all trash. there's nothing nice in here," i groaned as i sit down on my bed in defeat while holding a pink tee shirt with a teddy bear on it.

"okay, okay. calm down. sheesh you remind me of my sister," gem said as she closed put down her phone, thinking thoughtfully. suddenly her face brightens up. "you can borrow my stuff. we have almost the same size," she suggested.

"well, ugh fine, fine," i replied, standing up. "lets go."

after a few minutes rummaging through gem's closet, i've finally come across a pink floral croptop with a pair of black skaters skirt.

gem gasp as she took a look at me. "yes, this is definitely it."

"really? i feel so uncomfortable. i feel..naked."

"thats just the nerves talking. now come on, we need to drop by the store to get some stuff. my mum just texted me."

"wha-? do we even have time?" i took out my phone to see the time.

"yes, yes we do. now come on," she said as she pulled my arm out the door.

<<>> <<>>

"could you please hurry up?" i groaned.

"be patient, there's still time," she pointed out while holding a jar of peanut butter.

"we've been here for 10 minutes already."

"exactly. now could you help me look for these?" she held out the list that said 'coffee powder', 'cereal' and 'sausages'.

i then sprinted off trying to save time as much as possible. i was basically running around the store trying to look for those stuff when i suddenly bumped into someone.

"woah, slow down there," said a familiar voice which i haven't heard for a long time.

i look up and made eye contact and saw, "Levi?"

Levi and i used to be good friends a long time ago with gem. but then, he moved out of the city because his dad has the opportunity to work in London.

"oh hey! Allison long time no see. you look prettier than the last time i saw you."

"ohh uhh..thanks? what are you doing here?" i asked, not to mention he had a crush on me.

"what do you mean? i work here as a part-time job," he said, pointing to his uniform which i hadn't notice until now.

"wait, you're moving back here?"

"yeah, cool right?"

"uh..yea-" i was cut off by gem running towards Levi and giving him a hug.

"oh my gosh, Levi! long time no see. you're back after all these years," she said.

"yeah. so where are you guys going? wanna hangout sometime to repay all those times?" Levi asked.

"sure, but not right now. Allison has somewhere to go to," gem said as she winked at Levi giving him a hint.

"ohh..ohh. i see," hurt flashed across his face but was soon replaced with a friendly smile.

"well, i'll see you girls soon. bye!" he waved and walked away.

"can you believe it? he's back!" said gem.

i then remembered that i have a place that i need to attend. "gem, the park! quick, its almost time!" i yelled.

"alright, alright." she replied as we both walked towards the cashier. luckily gem had found the food that i was suppose to look for on the list.

as we both walked towards the exit, gem stopped me and pointed to a black sunglasses on display. "we have to buy you this, its for your daydreaming that you need to work on."

i rolled my eyes and pulled her out the store and into her car.




and A changed the book cover so i hope it doesnt disturb you :( we thought that it'll be nice if we reedited it :)

i really hope you enjoyed this week's chapter :)

give it a vote and a comment to let us know what you think about the story so far.


oh and we made a new Instagram fanpage :) please do check it out, it means a lot❤️ @wethemfangirls/IG

have a good day ! x

-J [ this is long sorry ]

daddy [n.h]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora