t e n

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[ a l l i s o n ]

we broke apart from the kiss and niall held out his hand. i took it as he helped me into the passengers seat and started the engine.

"ready, milady?" he asked with a smirk.

as i stare out through the blurry window and saw the shadow of gem on the porch imagining her smirking as well, i replied with a grin,"ready."

as soon as i stepped out of the car, i saw that the restaurant was quite fancy. i bet the customers in it order fancy cocktails and wore fancy jewelry as well as fancy shoes. i wonder if they mind me wearing vans. oh well. the restaurant's sign was decorated with bright neon lights above the entrance. i heard niall chuckle softly as he opened the door to the restaurant for both of us.

the whole place was filled with chatters and each table has its own small candle and a vase of flowers.

niall was talking to a waiter as i took in the dimmed lights and the faint sound of music. the waiter then showed us a table for two and gave us menus.

after a few minutes of flipping through pages, niall said," so, what do you wanna eat?"

"umm..probably just a tomato salad and a veggie burger. seems simple enough." i giggled. they also seem to be in a decent price.

he laughed and called the waiter from one of the button-thingy. after placing our orders, he turned to look at me and said, "so i heard what happened at the gym."

"yeah, thank god jai was there. they really need to move those poles," i laughed.

"yeah, exactly."

he stared at me with a smile on his face which made me red in the face.

"why? what's wrong?"

"nothing, i like it when you laugh, it just makes everything brighter," he grinned.

"that's so cheesy!"

he chuckled in return. we both stopped talking for a while until i asked him a question.

"he really does like her, doesn't he?" i asked lightly, referring to jai.

"yeah..he does." was all he said before the waiter came back with our dishes. he poured some cold water into our glasses and i gave him a small thanks before he walked away. god, the food looked delicious and then we both started eating.

after a few moments later, i felt a small vibration coming from my bag. i looked inside and saw that my phone was blinking. i turned it on and realized that someone was texting me, and that someone was non other than gem.

i sighed. typical gem.

"everything alright?" niall looked up from his plate.

"yeah, hold on. im going to use the toilet."

"sure," he shrugged.

i gave him a smile and stood up. i turned a corner and went inside the lady's restroom. i took out my phone and replied her.

[ t e x t ]
gem: sooooooo...???
gem: how's stuff going
gem: huhhhh
me: it was going good actually well until u popped up
gem: oh cmon dont be so sour
gem: anw just to tell u, be back by 10
me: what?
me: go away, you're not my mom
gem: i so am. ok go
gem: dont leave your date waiting
me: ik ik

i put my phone away and washed my hands. i then looked at the mirror. eyes, check. cheeks, check. lipstick, nope. i reapplied some more and went out the toilet.

"and im back," i said to niall as i reached the table.

"yeah, and your food's getting cold." he laughed.

"whoops," i said. just as i was about to sit down, i heard someone called my name.

"hey! allison!"

i froze, somehow that voice sounded familiar. i turned and looked around, finding for a familiar face as well. my eyes landed on someone sitting on a table at the far end of the corner. it was levi.

"ohh hey, didn't see you there," i replied with a smile as he walked towards our table. i saw him throw his arms out and that's when i realized that he was going in for a hug. i obviously hugged him back.

"yeah, im actually waiting for my takeaway."

his eyes drifted to niall and i immediately remembered. oh yeah, i almost forgot to introduce him. i awkwardly said," ohh uh this is niall," i pointed out," we're having dinner."

"ahh, hi," levi took out his hand and they both shook hands. niall gave him a polite smile. oh my god, am i the only one that finds this situation awkward?

"nice to meet you," levi said.

"yeah, you too."

"um..excuse me, sir? takeaway for number 32?" asked a voice from behind me. thank god, thankyou so much. i was dying of awkwardness. all three of us turned to face a waiter holding out a plastic bag filled with paper packets of spaghetti.

"and that would be me," levi replied. he took the plastic bag and walked towards the cashier. "well, see you guys around," he added and sent niall a small nod before going out.

"wow..who's that?" niall asked with curiosity in his voice. i sat down and sighed.

"he's an old friend of mine. the three of us, including gem, were quite close when we were little."

niall nodded. "ohh so did you guys like, met at the sandbox when you were four?"

"school, we met from school." i laughed. "but yeah, there was a sandbox in a park we used to go together."
after we finished our dinner, niall insisted on paying and i let him, with a condition that i treat him to an icecream someday.

the drive home was comforting and peaceful. we both listened to the radio and niall also bought some hot chocolate. it was by far the greatest night ever.

haaaaaaalllo (#marcusbutlerreference) 🌚
how are you guys doing?💓

i was suppose to update yesterday but i honestly forgot... whoops sorry🙏

plus school just started and im still in the holiday zone. anw im pretty sure you wont read this, no one reads the author's note lol 😂

well, thanks for all the reads and comments and votes ✔️
i'll see you soon. 💖

- J

daddy [n.h]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora