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[ A l l i s o n ]

we have spent the rest of our evening on niall's backyard. we didn't do anything in particular, just talking about our own lives, childhood memories, likes and dislikes, and just basically anything we find interesting. i think it was kinda sweet because even little things like such as his favorite colour or favorite song counts as meaningful.

we talked for quite some time until it was late. we started packing up and cleaned the picnic area. by the time we were done, niall insists on driving me home and i hesitantly agreed. he walked me to his car and opened the door for me to the passenger seat. we drove all the way to my house, with me showing and guiding him around my neighboring streets.

once we had arrived at the destination, he walked me to my front porch and gave me a kiss. we both said goodbye and said that we'll meet each other at school.

i was still blushing red even after i closed my front door. guess im not done fangirling over niall horan, the school's heartthrob. many girls would've died to be in my place, i can't help but smile foolishly. i ran up the stairs and locked the door. i quickly took out my phone and texted gem. she's gonna freak out once i tell her what had just happened.

me: HEY, guess what??!
gem: sooo, what happened??
me: he kissed me!
gem: no no no way what?
me: i know right. it was so unexpected.
gem: how was it?? dont leave me in suspense..
me: i'll explain it tomorrow *wink* oh btw i have some news for you, will tell you at school. might be shocking.
gem: duuuddee

and with that, i left my phone to charge and went to change my clothes. i stayed up a few while as it was still early. this whole thing felt so very cliché like every typical high school story but, to be honest, i like it.
*next morning* *alarm*
"ughhh," i grunted as i snoozed my phone for the fourth time. i dont even remember falling asleep. the whole of last night was still a blur to me. it took me some time but then, slowly by slowy, i remembered everything as clear as glass. everything was so breathtaking.

i remembered niall asking me to hangout, meeting him at the park, riding on his range rover, his wonderful speech and of course, the kiss. oh god, the kiss. i can still taste his lips on mine. okay, stop it allison, get yourself together.

i went to the bathroom to get changed and be ready for school. gem usually picked me up at 6.45am since she's the only one who had her car license early, she had been my driver ever since, well, besides my mom. i went downstairs after putting on my uniform and took a bite of my breakfast. by the time i had finished packing by bag, gem was already on the driveway, hand on the honk button. i sigh, typical gem.

"bye mom!" i said goodbye to my mom as i went through the back door. i went towards gem's car and went inside. she stared at me as if waiting for me so say something related about yesterday's evening. well, i guess she was right, but i answered her stare with a ,"sup." she then gave me an 'are you serious?' look.

"okay, okay, just hold on. i'll explain everything. sheesh," i replied. all i got was a grin from her.

so then i ended up telling her what had happened yesterday through the whole ride to school. she kept interrupting and giving me smug looks every five seconds. i told her every detail i could remember starting from when the picnic started until it eventually ended.

once we reached school, i ran up to my locker to put my books away and get ready for my first lesson, which is History. im not even in the class yet and im already bored. time seems to pass by very slow when you're not enjoying it.
the bell rang, signifying that break time has come. i took a seat at our usual table with gem already there. "so tell me about this thing that you texted me about," gem said.

"oh, are you sure you're ready? its shocking news.."

"whatever just spill the beans."

"alright, alright. jai brooks and matt espinosa..has a..crush on you."

gem dropped the fries she was holding.

yo sorry i guess for the late update :((
h isnt able to update next week because she has exams. so theres no update next week, i'm not updating for her. ( yes we're best friends )

hope you like this :)


daddy [n.h]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora