Cherry Blossoms

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"I'll be going now!", you said to your grandmother whilst tapping your brown loafers on the floor. You picked up your bag and opened the door. "Don't get in trouble on your first day ____-chan!", she half-shouted, her wrinkles spreading due to her bright smile, the same smile you inherited. "I probably will~!", you waved back with a smile and ran. After that, your grandmother went back inside the small store that your family owns. 'This child...', your grandma sighed with a smile.


It felt like freedom to you. The peaceful mornings. The silent taps on the pavement scattered with petals sounds so satisfying. The gentle breeze on your skin whilst running was refreshing. Little beads of sweat escaped from your forehead as you made quickened breaths. Finally reaching the top of the hill-like road, you scanned the breathtaking scenery.  The cherry blossoms painted a calming shade of light pink. The sunlight shyly peeped through the leaves which made the road patched with small balls of light. 

Taking a glance at your watch, you realized that there was only ten more minutes till the bell rings. Hating the feeling of being scolded again because of tardiness, you ran again full force downhill. 'Why am I so stupid?', you thought as you slowly felt yourself getting out of balance. A thought suddenly made its way to your head in a millisecond. 'This is the moment when the super handsome boy comes up and saves the main charact--' that thought was broken when your face kissed the ground. The spring air blew again as if mocking you. You groaned and stood on all fours. "I'm such an idiot."

Drip Drip

You opened your eyes to see small drops of red liquid. You touched your philtrum and felt a small flow of blood coming from your nose. Muttering a silent curse, you wiped it with your sleeve. 'It's just blood, I can handle it', you grinned to yourself. Your wristwatch caught your attention. 5 minutes before the opening ceremony. You were already on your running position when a black ball of fur caught your eyes.

You approached the sleeping cat on the sidewalk, careful not to wake it up. It seemed to be enjoying the warm breeze outside.  It suddenly opened its sharp eyes, revealing two different colors, blue and green. "So cute!", you patted its head, earning a satisfied purr. He rubbed itself on you for quite some time. It suddenly sat up like a king; its chest up and head high. He looked at you and meowed, which made you remember about your schedule.

You ran again, full speed ahead. The fluffy cat remained there, staring at your shrinking figure on the road. It wanted more of your affection so it ran after you. 

(A/N): So sorry if this was really short. I'll try my best to make it longer next time, and to introduce the characters. This story just hit me in the head like a bullet, I think I was fueled because of the ending of Kurobasu ;n;. I wanted more screen time for Akashi and Murasakibara, hnnn. Till next time~

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