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Nazeera tugs on my sleeve,
"Can we not sit with your friends?"

"Okay." I nod, leading us away from their table and to an isolated one in the back. We both sit and start our...brunch? Breakfast and lunch. Either way I'm eating two helpings.

Nazeera taps her spoon against the plate, only stares at her food.

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask, growing more anxious by her behaviour.
She sighs,
"I wouldn't be here if I was mad at you Kenji."

Okay, good point.
She bites the inside of her cheek, faces me,
"I want to share things with you Kenji, I do. I just find it genuinely difficult."

"I know." I nod, "that's okay, there's nothing wrong with that. I did something stupid, it's my fault."

Nazeera nods, concentrates on the table.
It's quiet for a short while. Then,
"Can I be completely honest?"

"Of course."
She chews her lip, doesn't say anything.
A moment later, Nazeera answers speaking in a low tone,
"I think I'm going to ruin this. If not now, then later in the future."

This, referring to us. Does she really think that?
"That's not gonna happen." I reassure her, but she only exhales a breath.

"You don't know that. That's the thing about relationships, emotions. They're unpredictable. Uncertain." Nazeera knits her brows, and I feel her leg bouncing next to mine.

"What are the chances that this won't end up horribly? We didn't start out in the greatest way either, because of me. Because I couldn't do anything right."

Dammit. Her fears make sense yet they're crazy. Insane, that this girl thinks I'm going to let us end.

"Nazeera." I place a hand on her knee. She twists her head to look at me, stares cold.
"You can't ruin anything, okay? I am certainly and madly in love with you. Nothing you will ever do is going to change that."

She blinks, honey eyes burn into mine. She opens her mouth to object but I cut her off, speak gently,

"I get that you don't understand some things yourself, and that's fine. I'll wait, I'll help if you want me to. It doesn't bother me as much as you think. I just want to be with you."

Nazeera stays silent, face indifferent. Her jaw is clenched, I can practically hear her thoughts screaming.

"Are you sure?" She finally asks quietly, serious demeanor dropped.

After a beat, she leans forward and crushes me into an embrace. I should be more worried than her, I tend to say or do pretty stupid things. Like a lot.

But she definitely doesn't have to be concerned.
This is the scariest girl I've ever met and I love her like crazy. No doubt about it.

I drop a kiss on her head,
"You should finish eating."

Nazeera meets my eyes and raises an eyebrow,
"I'm not the child here."

"Yet I need to monitor your meals because you conveniently forget." I make a tsk tsk sound.

She rolls her eyes, a fresh smile on her face.
Nazeera goes back to start her food.

I shove a spoon into my mouth, remember the events from before,
"Hey, what did your brother want?"

Nazeera waves a hand,
"Nothing important. Haider just wants attention from time to time. Although I need to check and see if the continent is still intact."
I put away both of our plates then turn to Nazeera.
Who is...not there.

I scan my eyes around the tent, most people are leaving. Except a little group a few feet away.
Castle, Nouria, Warner and Nazeera.

"So what's the gossip?" I ask, hands on my hips as I approach them. Nouria sighs, the one thing she and Warner have in common is disliking my jokes.

Castle smiles at me and explains,
"We're running low on supplies again. It's a problem, but we will figure it out."

"It's a huge problem." Nouria corrects her father, "we need to ration everything more effectively. I can't keep going out to get things, places are limited and we have to think about the rest of the sector."

Warner scowls, tilts his head at Nouria. I have no idea what he wants to say but judging from the feral look on his face it can't be good.
"No one-"

"How about we stop talking and make a proper plan?" I say nodding at everyone.

Warner directs his glare at me, "Do not interrupt me while I am speaking Kishimoto. Or you will lose the ability to speak for yourself."

"Ooh that's so scary." I put my hands on either side of my face and act frightened.
Warner inhales a breath and Nouria facepalms her forehead.

"Alright." Nazeera raises her hand,
"We will control the distribution of necessities. Perhaps we can search another sector for supplies?"

Castle nods,
"Yes, that is a viable option for now, however we should make a long term plan."

"I'm sure you have time to do that." Warner raises his chin at Nouria.
The following tension filled silence is excruciating.

Nazeera clears her throat,
"Kenji and I will go visit Sector 240 while Nouria runs some numbers and figures out a better solution in the future."

She looks at Warner and he crosses his arms.
They say a few words in Russian, I think.

"Way to leave me out." I sigh, eyes darting back and forth between them.
Warner gives Nouria and me one last glare, then struts away.
Nouria stalks off the other way.
I'm sure they'll be such great friends one day.

"Be more understanding to Mr Warner." Castle says to me,
"He's in a difficult position."

"Wha- me?" I stare in disbelief,
"He threatens me and you're asking me to play nice?"

"He's lost. Losing hope everyday. All I am saying is ease up on him."

"Wow, okay. Are you hearing this?" I turn to Nazeera who's smirking. She nods,
"You getting told off? Yes I am, it's very entertaining."

I huff, frustrated with this crap and she laughs.

Castle pats my shoulder,
"Talk to Nouria for the map of the surrounding sectors. I believe she also has some transportation for you."

He bids us farewell and walks off.
Nazeera taps me and I spin around to face her.
"I need to go look over Haider's report before we leave."

"Alright." I tug her towards me and she smiles.
A proper happy smile that freezes my thoughts, sends my heart into orbit.

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